vimeo / timeserieswidget

Javascript for displaying interactive graphite graphs with zooming, event markers and all that
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
196 stars 18 forks source link


Plugin to easily make highly interactive time series (graphite) graph objects. (i.e. graphs where you can interactively toggle on/off individual series, inspect datapoints, zoom in realtime, etc) Supports Flot (canvas), Rickshaw (svg), Highcharts (svg) and standard graphite png images (in case you're nostalgic and don't like interactivity)


Feature comparison table. NA = not available (can't be done to my knowledge), WIP = work in progress (should be possible. this basically means TODO)

PNG Flot Rickshaw Highcharts
description Static PNG images rendered by graphite server Interactive client-side rendering using canvas Interactive client-side rendering using SVG Interactive client-side rendering using SVG
speed quite fast quite fast. interactive features near-realtime slow with many datapoints and/or multiple graphs (needs better graphite consolidation) TODO
hover over datapoints/graph -> popup with exact data NA Y (flot #867 would make it a bit better) Y Y
events with annotations (using anthracite) NA Y WIP N
interactive zooming NA Y WIP Y
interactive panning NA WIP WIP N
hover over legend -> hilight on plot NA WIP Y Y
reordering items in legend to reorder on stacked plot NA WIP Y TODO
toggling targets on/off NA WIP (flot pull 848, flot pull 869, branch flot-legend-toggle) Y Y
toggling between line vs stack (band) mode NA Y Y Y
auto smoothing dense graphs based on datapoints/pixel NA NA WIP Y
notes 1999 called. they want their static images back.
you could actually implement interactive features with a JS layer on top. (and some monitoring dashboards do this) but that is/would be soo slow)
doesn't treat null values very well. the code has to remove them, but if you use multiple targets and one of them has a lot of nulls (and hence removed datapoints) the graph display will break, so you have to use drawNullAsZero to avoid that more "generic" (based on D3), all data is accessible in DOM and themeable with CSS Licensing: Free for non commercial (

any web code that can generate graphite urls can use this library with minimal transition work

Screenshot Screenshot


Notes for client-side graph rendering / troubleshooting

Configuration of graphite server / If you don't seem to get any actual data

you'll need a small tweak to allow this app to request data from graphite. (we could use jsonp, but see For apache2 this works:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET, OPTIONS"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "origin, authorization, accept"

Flot Timezone support

note: for timezone support, include timezone-js/src/date.js, Set the 'zoneFileBasePath' option to the url path needed to reach the included tz folder, and of course set the 'tz' parameter to your timezone. Note if you load files straight from disk (such as the examples), you might see errors like "XMLHttpRequest cannot load file://(...)/timeserieswidget/tz/northamerica. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.". This is a CORS restriction, see



A lot can be learned by just looking at, and playing with the examples, so check the examples directory

The examples are designed so that:

Obviously you'll probably need to adjust the targets to make the examples work with your graphite server.

In general, we try to use the same options for all backends (i.e. make the flot/rickshaw backends respond to the same options as the graphite png api) So for the most part, the available options (see examples) closely match the available options from the graphite api Sometimes this is not possible.

Options that diverge from how graphite does things:

Backend specific options (see js defs files)


options that only apply to graphite's native png renders:

colors, areaMode, legends, etc

clientside specific

options that apply to both flot and rickshaw: when a tswidget feature can't be implemented in flot/rickshaw directly, tswidget provides the code, and it works with either the flot or rickshaw backend.

'suffixes': false, 'binary' or 'si' (defaults to 'si')

automatically show large numbers using a prefix. like graphite does, but configurable

events_url     http://elasticsearch-machine:9200/index/_search (set this to enable events)
anthracite_url http://anthracite-machine/events/view (optional)
events_query   (optional. defaults to '*' (all docs). '' means no docs)

show events from Elasticsearch (via anthracite, logstash or others). Using the events_query you can narrow it down. The query format is explained here. anthracite_url enables view/edit links to view/edit anthracite events.

line_stack_toggle: 'line_stack_form_flot',
state: 'stacked',

DOM id for line/stack selector form, and initial state


hover with mouse over graph datapoints to yield popups with information (series and X/Y values) about nearest datapoint

flot specific

when a tswidget feature maps directly to a native flot feature, or it doesn't work with rickshaw or just any option in the flot api (legend, grid, ...)

you can set on_click to a callback that will be called when you click on a plot

rickshaw specific

when a tswidget feature maps directly to a native rickshaw feature, or it doesn't work with flot or just any option in the rickshaw api

Default configuration

(works across all backends)

$.fn.graphite.defaults.width = "450"
$.fn.graphite.defaults.height = "300"

Updating existing graph:

(only for png backend)

$.fn.graphite.update($("#graph"), {from: "-3days", lineWidth: "2"});

Misc notes

about color definitions

short story: use rgb codes like '#1088ef', to be compatible with all 3 (graphite/flot/rickshaw). or find something else that works with all three and update this.

for targets but presumably other things as well:

Some clientside specific options