vincebel7 / ltdnet

A limited-functionality network simulator, using goroutines for network traffic and device-listening. Includes fictional LAN appliances as well as simple implementations of essential TCP/IP protocols
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link
network-simulator networking


by Vince Belanger

A little CLI-based network simulator for learning networking concepts, utilizing lightweight goroutines and channels for network traffic. Includes fictional network appliances and simple implementations of essential TCP/IP protocols.

How to run (binary)

Download the Windows or Linux executable binary from the Releases page

How to run (from source)

  1. Install Go (
  2. Clone this repository and enter the directory
  3. Make the run script executable, and execute it (./

ltdnet Tutorial

First, create a network and pick a network size (/24 is recommended to start) Currently, each network can only have one router. It is best to start off by creating the router: add router router1

Next, create a host: add host host1

You can now look at your network by running a show command. The most comprehensive of these is: show overview

Once you have created a host, you can "plug in" the host to the router by linking them. link host host1 router1

Next, set the IP configuration for your host. There are two ways to do this: Statically, or dynamically through DHCP. Both ways require you to be in device control mode. When controlling a device, the commands are different from the main ltdnet menu. Run help to see all available device control commands. To enter device control mode for host1, run: control host host1

If you wish to statically set your host's IP configuration, from device control mode run: ip set <address> The program will pick a subnet mask and default gateway, then ask you to confirm the new IP configuration.

To run DHCP to dynamically acquire an IP configuration, from device control mode simply run dhcp. As long as there are available addresses in the router's DHCP pool, your host should now have an IP configuration.

To test connectivity, try pinging your router (likely from the device control: ping <gateway>

What now? You can start by reading the user manual from within the program with the manual command, or you can try to complete all the Achievements (achievements command).

I hope you find this program to be fun. Many more features are on their way, but the main focus right now is ironing out some of the remaining bugs in v0.x.

For any further questions, please email

Known bugs (highest to lowest impact)


Simple run script to run *.go from source

Clears the /saves directory

Builds executables for Linux and Windows

Version History

What has been accomplished at each version

v0.5.1 - November 7, 2024

Generate saves directory for binary running, implement shell command history with up+down arrows

v0.5.0 - November 3, 2024

DNS lookups, router has DNS server

v0.4.0 - November 2, 2024

Layer 1 rework (interfaces), host-level routing, static hostnames, bypasses for self-bound traffic

v0.3.2 - November 1, 2024

Bugfixes, rework local and remote ends of switchport links

v0.3.1 - October 29, 2024

Switch fixes: Hosts can link to switches, better broadcast handling, improved ARP + MAC tables

v0.3.0 - October 26, 2024

User Achievements, ARP table, switch MAC address tables, user preferences

v0.2.11 - October 25, 2024

Subnetting, DHCP + ping functionality rework, generalize destination MAC finding

v0.2.10 - September 30, 2024

Structs for messages and datagrams, sockets for internal application-layer communication

v0.2.9 - September 27, 2024

DHCP improvements, router control, router pinging

v0.2.8 - September 25, 2024

CLI improvements, host linking bugfixes

v0.2.7 - June 15, 2021

DHCP pool sorting changes, cleaning up JSON schema

v0.2.6 - October 9, 2020

Increase debug output

v0.2.5 - September 30, 2020

Improved host unlinking

v0.2.4 - October 9, 2019

Implement virtual switch for router, ping improvements

v0.2.3 - October 7, 2019

Deleting hosts, improved diagrams

v0.2.2 - October 6, 2019

Network diagram, initial design of switches

v0.2.1 - October 4, 2019

Debug system, IP configuration clearing

v0.2 - October 4, 2019

ARP, DHCP, complete network functionality, project structuring

v0.1 - July 25, 2019

Creating, saving, and loading JSON savefiles, creating a network, adding and linking hosts, adding routers, host controlling, device listeners, basic host-to-host pinging

v0.0 - July 17, 2019

Basic interface


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.