vincentclaes / datajob

Build and deploy a serverless data pipeline on AWS with no effort.
Apache License 2.0
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aws aws-cdk data-pipeline glue glue-job machine-learning pipeline sagemaker serverless stepfunctions

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Build and deploy a serverless data pipeline on AWS with no effort.
Our goal is to let developers think about the business logic, datajob does the rest...

:rocket: :new: :rocket:

[Check our new example of an End-to-end Machine Learning Pipeline with Glue, Sagemaker and Stepfunctions](examples/ml_pipeline_end_to_end)

:rocket: :new: :rocket:


Datajob can be installed using pip.
Beware that we depend on aws cdk cli!

pip install datajob
npm install -g aws-cdk@1.109.0 # latest version of datajob depends this version


You can find the full example in examples/data_pipeline_simple.

We have a simple data pipeline composed of 2 glue jobs orchestrated sequentially using step functions.

from aws_cdk import core

from datajob.datajob_stack import DataJobStack
from datajob.glue.glue_job import GlueJob
from datajob.stepfunctions.stepfunctions_workflow import StepfunctionsWorkflow

app = core.App()

# The datajob_stack is the instance that will result in a cloudformation stack.
# We inject the datajob_stack object through all the resources that we want to add.
with DataJobStack(scope=app, id="data-pipeline-simple") as datajob_stack:
    # We define 2 glue jobs with the relative path to the source code.
    task1 = GlueJob(
        datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="task1", job_path="glue_jobs/"
    task2 = GlueJob(
        datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="task2", job_path="glue_jobs/"

    # We instantiate a step functions workflow and orchestrate the glue jobs.
    with StepfunctionsWorkflow(datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="workflow") as sfn:
        task1 >> task2


We add the above code in a file called in the root of the project.

Configure CDK

Follow the steps here to configure your credentials.

export AWS_PROFILE=default
# use the aws cli to get your account number
export AWS_ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text --profile $AWS_PROFILE)
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1

# init cdk
cdk bootstrap aws://$AWS_ACCOUNT/$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION


Deploy the pipeline using CDK.

cd examples/data_pipeline_simple
cdk deploy --app  "python" --require-approval never


datajob execute --state-machine data-pipeline-simple-workflow

The terminal will show a link to the step functions page to follow up on your pipeline run.



cdk destroy --app  "python"


All our examples are in ./examples


Deploy to a stage Specify a stage to deploy an isolated pipeline. Typical examples would be `dev` , `prod`, ... ```shell cdk deploy --app "python" --context stage=my-stage ```
Using datajob's S3 data bucket Dynamically reference the `datajob_stack` data bucket name to the arguments of your GlueJob by calling `datajob_stack.context.data_bucket_name`. ```python import pathlib from aws_cdk import core from datajob.datajob_stack import DataJobStack from datajob.glue.glue_job import GlueJob from datajob.stepfunctions.stepfunctions_workflow import StepfunctionsWorkflow current_dir = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) app = core.App() with DataJobStack( scope=app, id="datajob-python-pyspark", project_root=current_dir ) as datajob_stack: pyspark_job = GlueJob( datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="pyspark-job", job_path="glue_job/", job_type="glueetl", glue_version="2.0", # we only support glue 2.0 python_version="3", worker_type="Standard", # options are Standard / G.1X / G.2X number_of_workers=1, arguments={ "--source": f"s3://{datajob_stack.context.data_bucket_name}/raw/iris_dataset.csv", "--destination": f"s3://{datajob_stack.context.data_bucket_name}/target/pyspark_job/iris_dataset.parquet", }, ) with StepfunctionsWorkflow(datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="workflow") as sfn: pyspark_job >> ... ``` you can find this example [here](./examples/data_pipeline_pyspark/glue_job/
Deploy files to the datajob's deployment bucket Specify the path to the folder we would like to include in the deployment bucket. ```python from aws_cdk import core from datajob.datajob_stack import DataJobStack app = core.App() with DataJobStack( scope=app, id="some-stack-name", include_folder="path/to/folder/" ) as datajob_stack: ... ```
Package your project as a wheel and ship it to AWS You can find the example [here](./examples/data_pipeline_with_packaged_project/) ```python # We add the path to the project root in the constructor of DataJobStack. # By specifying project_root, datajob will look for a .whl in # the dist/ folder in your project_root. with DataJobStack( scope=app, id="data-pipeline-pkg", project_root=current_dir ) as datajob_stack: ``` Package you project using [poetry]( ```shell poetry build cdk deploy --app "python" ``` Package you project using [](./examples/data_pipeline_with_packaged_project) ```shell python bdist_wheel cdk deploy --app "python" ``` you can also use the datajob cli to do the two commands at once: ```shell # for poetry datajob deploy --config --package poetry # for datajob deploy --config --package setuppy ```
Processing big data using a Glue Pyspark job ```python import pathlib from aws_cdk import core from datajob.datajob_stack import DataJobStack from datajob.glue.glue_job import GlueJob current_dir = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()) app = core.App() with DataJobStack( scope=app, id="datajob-python-pyspark", project_root=current_dir ) as datajob_stack: pyspark_job = GlueJob( datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="pyspark-job", job_path="glue_job/", job_type="glueetl", glue_version="2.0", # we only support glue 2.0 python_version="3", worker_type="Standard", # options are Standard / G.1X / G.2X number_of_workers=1, arguments={ "--source": f"s3://{datajob_stack.context.data_bucket_name}/raw/iris_dataset.csv", "--destination": f"s3://{datajob_stack.context.data_bucket_name}/target/pyspark_job/iris_dataset.parquet", }, ) ``` full example can be found in [examples/data_pipeline_pyspark](examples/data_pipeline_pyspark]).
Orchestrate stepfunctions tasks in parallel ```python # Task2 comes after task1. task4 comes after task3. # Task 5 depends on both task2 and task4 to be finished. # Therefore task1 and task2 can run in parallel, # as well as task3 and task4. with StepfunctionsWorkflow(datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="workflow") as sfn: task1 >> task2 task3 >> task4 task2 >> task5 task4 >> task5 ``` More can be found in [examples/data_pipeline_parallel](./examples/data_pipeline_parallel)
Orchestrate 1 stepfunction task Use the [Ellipsis]( object to be able to orchestrate 1 job via step functions. ```python some_task >> ... ```
Notify in case of error/success Provide the parameter `notification` in the constructor of a `StepfunctionsWorkflow` object. This will create an SNS Topic which will be triggered in case of failure or success. The email will subscribe to the topic and receive the notification in its inbox. ```python with StepfunctionsWorkflow(datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="workflow", notification="") as sfn: task1 >> task2 ``` You can provide 1 email or a list of emails `["", ""]`.

Datajob in depth

The datajob_stack is the instance that will result in a cloudformation stack. The path in project_root helps datajob_stack locate the root of the project where the pyproject.toml file can be found, as well as the dist/ folder with the wheel of your project .

import pathlib
from aws_cdk import core

from datajob.datajob_stack import DataJobStack

current_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
app = core.App()

with DataJobStack(
    scope=app, id="data-pipeline-pkg", project_root=current_dir
) as datajob_stack:


When entering the contextmanager of DataJobStack:

A DataJobContext is initialized to deploy and run a data pipeline on AWS. The following resources are created: 1) "data bucket"

when exiting the context manager all the resources of our DataJobStack object are created.

We can write the above example more explicitly... ```python import pathlib from aws_cdk import core from datajob.datajob_stack import DataJobStack from datajob.glue.glue_job import GlueJob from datajob.stepfunctions.stepfunctions_workflow import StepfunctionsWorkflow current_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute() app = core.App() datajob_stack = DataJobStack(scope=app, id="data-pipeline-pkg", project_root=current_dir) datajob_stack.init_datajob_context() task1 = GlueJob(datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="task1", job_path="glue_jobs/") task2 = GlueJob(datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="task2", job_path="glue_jobs/") with StepfunctionsWorkflow(datajob_stack=datajob_stack, name="workflow") as step_functions_workflow: task1 >> task2 datajob_stack.create_resources() app.synth() ```


Any suggestions can be shared by starting a discussion

These are the ideas, we find interesting to implement;

Feedback is much appreciated!