vindar / tgx

tgx - a tiny/teensy 3D graphics library
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
176 stars 31 forks source link

NEW IN VERSION 0.8 (8/2/2022): Added methods for drawing quadratic and cubic Bezier curves and b-spline. Added flood filling methods.

TGX - a tiny/teensy graphics library

Note: A companion library tgx-font provides a collection of plain and anti-aliased fonts which can be used with this library.

2D and 3D graphics library for 32bits microcontrollers.

This library implements a sets of classes that makes it easy to draw 2D and 3D graphics onto a memory framebuffer. The library is aimed and optimized toward 32bits MCUs yet it is cross-platform and also works on CPUs.

The library has been currently tested on:

Warning: The library's goal is to draw graphics on a memory framebuffer. As such, it does not provide any hardware/screen support. You will need a screen driver to display the memory framebuffer onto a physical screen. If you are using a Teensy 4.0/4.1 and an ILI9341 screen, you may consider using my optimized driver.

Here are the library main features.

2D graphics.

3D graphics.

Using the library.