vinej / react-portal

A Dashboard example with React/Mobx and ReMux : a 'Flux' pattern inpired by Redux
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A full cycle example of a Dashboard using React, Mobx and ReMux, a Flux pattern inspired by Redux

ReMux stand for React Mobx Flux pattern and it's inspired by Redux. The react-portal don't use the ReMux pattern exacly as defined here :, because the pattern was improved after developing react-portal


For a simple starter see :





The first goal is to experiment using React/Mobx and a Flux pattern like Redux. The second goal is to implement enough features to have a base Framework to start a real project. After one month of testing and implementing real features with the flux pattern I can say that Mobx fulfills my expectations.

Why use a Flux pattern with Mobx

There is no obligation to use a Flux pattern with Mobx if your application is simple. During the last year, I worked on a Dashboard implementation and the customer asked me to audit all actions from the users. If you have a Flux pattern, it's very easy to do : you just add a resolver (middleware). Without it, it could become complexe to implement it. So, you must use a Flux pattern when you know that you will deal with this kind of feature.

Compare React/Redux with React/ReMux

With React/ReMux

Dashboard example
