viniciussanchez / RESTRequest4Delphi

API to consume REST services written in any programming language with support to Lazarus and Delphi
MIT License
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api client delphi embarcadero fpc freepascal indy lazarus nethttp request rest simple


RESTRequest4Delphi is a API to consume REST services written in any programming language.
Designed to facilitate development, in a simple and minimalist way.
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## ⚙️ Installation * **Manual installation**: Add the following folders to your project, in *Project > Options > Building > Delphi Compiler > Search path* ``` ../RESTRequest4Delphi/src ``` * Installation using the [**Boss**]( ``` boss install ``` ## 🔰 Engines By default, the components **TRESTRequest**, **TRESTResponse** and **TRESTClient** are used to make requests when your using Delphi. If you use Lazarus, the [**fphttpclient**]( components are used by default. The RESTRequest4Delphi has support to five engines to make requests: RESTClient, [**Synapse**](, [**ICS Overbyte**](, Indy and NetHTTP. You can change the engine to make requests. To do this, simply define in: *Project > Options > Delphi Compiler > Conditional defines* the compiler directive `RR4D_INDY`, `RR4D_SYNAPSE`, `RR4D_ICS` or `RR4D_NETHTTP` **Note**: for Lazarus, the **fphttpclient** engine is the default. But you can switch to **Indy** setting `RR4D_INDY` directive or to [**Synapse**]( setting `RR4D_SYNAPSE` directive. ## 🔌 Adapters Adapters allow you to extend the functionality of RESTREquest4Delphi without changing the core of the project. See the list of adapters available by the community: * [**dataset-serialize-adapter-restrequest4delphi**]( - Adapter to load a DataSet using the DataSet-Serialize library at the time of the request; * [**csv-adapter-restrequest4delphi**]( - Allows you to generate a text or CSV file with the content of a request; ## ⚡️ Quickstart You need to use RESTRequest4D ```pascal uses RESTRequest4D; ``` * **GET** ```pascal var LResponse: IResponse; begin LResponse := TRequest.New.BaseURL('http://localhost:8888/users') .AddHeader('HeaderName', 'HeaderValue') .AddParam('ParameterName', 'ParameterValue') .Accept('application/json') .Get; if LResponse.StatusCode = 200 then ShowMessage(LResponse.Content); end; ``` * **GET AS DATASET USING ADAPTERS** ```pascal begin TRequest.New.BaseURL('http://localhost:8888/users') .Adapters(TDataSetSerializeAdapter.New(FDMemTable)) .Accept('application/json') .Get; end; ``` * **POST** ```pascal begin TRequest.New.BaseURL('http://localhost:8888/users') .ContentType('application/json') .AddBody('{"name":"Vinicius","lastName":"Sanchez","email":""}') .Post; end; ``` * **PUT** ```pascal begin TRequest.New.BaseURL('http://localhost:8888/users/1') .ContentType('application/json') .AddBody('{"name":"Vinicius","lastName":"Scandelai Sanchez","email":""}') .Put; end; ``` * **DELETE** ```pascal begin TRequest.New.BaseURL('http://localhost:8888/users/1') .Accept('application/json') .Delete; end; ``` ## 🔒 Authentication You can set credentials using the `BasicAuthentication`, `Token` or `TokenBearer` method before making the first request: ```pascal begin Request.BasicAuthentication('username', 'password'); Request.Token('token-type ' + token); Request.TokenBearer(token); end; ``` You can set it once and it will be used for every request. ## 📝 Samples Two projects were developed within the examples folder: * **client**: Windows VCL application consuming a REST API developed in Node.js To run the project, you need to install its dependencies ([**DataSet-Serialize**]( To install using [**Boss**](, open a terminal and type: ``` boss install ``` If you prefer, you can manually download the `DataSet-Serialize` and add it to `Search Path`. * **server-node**: REST server developed with [**Node.js**]( and [**Express**]( To run the server you will need [**Node.js**]( and [**NPM**]( With everything installed, open a terminal, install the dependencies and run the server: ``` npm install node server.js ``` ## 💻 Code Contributors Code Contributors ## ⚠️ License `RESTRequest4Delphi` is free and open-source software licensed under the [MIT License](