vinitshahdeo / Library-Management-System

[DBMS Project] An interactive web portal for automating various manual processes done by librarian.
MIT License
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Online Library Management System

An interactive web portal for automating various manual processes done by librarian.

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Library Management System DBMS Project Open Source Programming

Manual process of keeping student records, book records, account details, managing employee is very difficult. There are various problems also faced by the student in library such as finding any particular book, information whether book is available or not, for what time this book will be available, searching of books using ISBN number etc. To eliminate this manual system, Library Management System has been developed.

PPT report

You can download the report here. To download the presentation, click here.

You can check the screenshots of User Interface here.

Core Features

admin search issue member add

Additional Features

Admin Dashboard deal with the following :


Technology Stack Used




The source code of this project is written in PHP. So, you'll require WAMP/XAMPP/MAMP to run this project.


wamp xampp mamp

How to run?

  1. Download this repo and extract it in your www/htdocs directory.
  2. Import the [database] from db folder.
  3. Configure dbcon.php
  4. Run localhost/{YOUR FOLDER NAME}

Need help?

  if (needHelp === true) {
     var emailId = "";
     // email is the best way to reach out to me.

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Are you a VITian?

Looking for the "J" Component stuffs, you've landed at right place!

dbms report PPT OSP report

You can use this project for the following courses :

Course Name Course Code
Database Management Systems ITE1003
Open Source Programming ITE1008
Object Oriented Analysis and Design ITE1007
Software Engineering-Principles and Practices ITE1005


GitHub license Author

MIT © Vinit Shahdeo

Oh, Thanks!

saythanks Twitter

Thank you for being here! This project has saved me and my friends for many times in college.

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Share your story( if you're using this repo for your mini/course project. I will be more than happy to know how does this project helped you.

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  if (isAwesome) {
    // thanks in advance :p