vinson-han / expense-tracker

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Backend W/ Authentication #4

Open vinson-han opened 4 months ago

vinson-han commented 4 months ago

Task Owner (Responsible): [First Name, Last Initial] Vinson Han

Task Assignee (Accountable): [First Name, Last Initial] Egdar C

Task Deadline: [MM/DD/YYYY] 05/06/2024

Task Description: Clearly describe the task, including what needs to be done and why. Setting up Backend w/ Authentication to allow front-end to be developed and tested

Acceptance Criteria: Define specific criteria that must be met for the task to be considered complete. This sets clear expectations for the desired outcome. [ ] Sever functionality w/ Db connection [ ] MVC model implements [ ] Authentication Working

Estimation: Provide time estimates for each task based on complexity and effort. Use story points or time units (e.g., hours) to estimate.

[ ] Sever functionality w/ Db connection - 4 hours [ ] MVC model implements - 8 hours [ ] Authentication Working - 4 hours

Dependencies: Identify any dependencies on other tasks, team members, or external factors. Ensure that prerequisites are met before starting a task.

Priority: Assign a priority level to each task based on its importance and impact on the project. Prioritize tasks within the backlog or sprint.

Sever functionality w/ Db connection [ ] Priority Level: High. MVC model implements w/ Db connection [ ] Priority Level: Moderate. Authentication [ ] Priority Level: Light.

Task Type: Categorize tasks based on their type (e.g., development, testing, design). This helps in planning and resource allocation.

[ ] Sever functionality w/ Db connection - [ development] [ ] MVC model implements - [design] [ ] Authentication Working - [development]

Subtasks: Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable subtasks. This facilitates a more granular approach to tracking progress.

[ ] Backend

[ ] npm Scripts
Testing Requirements: Specify testing requirements for each task, including unit tests and any necessary integration or end-to-end tests.

[ ] Test routes [ ] Test authentication [ ] Sever connection to Mongodb [ ] Schema Model compatibility with Prisma

Documentation: Identify any documentation needs associated with the task. This may include code comments, API documentation, or end-user documentation.

[ ] installation scripts [ ] mongodb setup [ ] authentication type

Definition of Done: Clearly define what "done" means for each task. This includes meeting coding standards, passing tests, and completing documentation.

[ ] Functional backend w/ working authentication

ControlAltTea commented 4 months ago

Vinson, this looks awesome! I'll touch base on how your progress is going tonight in class. Thank you for your attention to detail!