vinted / elasticsearch-exporter-rs

Proper Elasticsearch exporter
MIT License
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Elasticsearch exporter Build status Documentation MIT licensed

Prometheus Elasticsearch exporter capable of working with large clusters. Caution you may overload Prometheus server by enabling all metrics, exporter is capable to export over near 1 million metrics. To avoid overloading Prometheus server run multiple Elasticsearch exporters that target just few specific metrics.

$ curl -s | wc
 940272 1887011 153668390

Try it out with docker

$ docker run --network=host -it vinted/elasticsearch_exporter --elasticsearch_url=http://IP:PORT



TLS validation

The certificate path is defined via flag --elasticsearch_certificate_path=CERTIFICATE_PATH.

By default TLS validation is enabled, you don't have to configure anything. Default validation of the certificate, which validates that the certificate provided by the server is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) and also verifies that the server’s hostname (or IP address) matches the names identified by the CommonName (CN) or Subject Alternative Name (SAN) within the certificate.

No validation

No validation is performed on the certificate provided by the server.

Provide a flag --elasticsearch_certificate_validation=none

Full validation

Full validation of the certificate, which validates that the certificate provided by the server is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) and also verifies that the server’s hostname (or IP address) matches the names identified by the CommonName (CN) or Subject Alternative Name (SAN) within the certificate.

Provide a flag --elasticsearch_certificate_validation=full

Partial validation

Validates that the certificate provided by the server is signed by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), but does not perform hostname verification.

Provide a flag --elasticsearch_certificate_validation=partial

Usage cheat sheet

Scraping /_nodes/stats subsystem thread_pool path metric

$ docker run --network=host -it vinted/elasticsearch_exporter --elasticsearch_url=http://IP:PORT --exporter_metrics_enabled="nodes_stats=true" --elasticsearch_path_parameters="nodes_stats=thread_pool"

Scraping /_nodes/stats subsystem thread_pool + fs paths metric

$ docker run --network=host -it vinted/elasticsearch_exporter --elasticsearch_url=http://IP:PORT --exporter_metrics_enabled="nodes_stats=true" --elasticsearch_path_parameters="nodes_stats=thread_pool,fs"

Scraping /stats for total.indexing and metrics only

$ docker run --network=host -it vinted/elasticsearch_exporter --elasticsearch_url=http://IP:PORT --exporter_metrics_enabled="stats=true" --elasticsearch_query_filter_path="stats=indices.*.total.indexing,indices.*"

Scraping /_cat/shards for search.fetch* metrics only. In this case elasticsearch_query_filter_path must always include index,shard, and dotted format is not supported. Example:

$ docker run --network=host -it vinted/elasticsearch_exporter --elasticsearch_url=http://IP:PORT --exporter_metrics_enabled="cat_shards=true" --elasticsearch_query_filter_path="cat_shards=index,shard,search*fetch*"
$ curl -s
Proper Elasticsearch exporter

Available /_cat subsystems:
 - cat_allocation
 - cat_shards
 - cat_indices
 - cat_segments
 - cat_nodes
 - cat_recovery
 - cat_health
 - cat_pending_tasks
 - cat_aliases
 - cat_thread_pool
 - cat_plugins
 - cat_fielddata
 - cat_nodeattrs
 - cat_repositories
 - cat_templates
 - cat_transforms
Available /_cluster subsystems:
 - cluster_health
Available /_nodes subsystems:
 - nodes_usage
 - nodes_stats
 - nodes_info
Available /_stats subsystems:
 - stats

Exporter settings:
elasticsearch_global_timeout: 30s
 - nodes_stats: 15s
 - nodes_info: http,jvm,thread_pool
 - nodes_stats: breaker,indices,jvm,os,process,transport,thread_pool
 - cat_allocation: health,status
 - cat_fielddata: id
 - cat_indices: health,status
 - cat_nodeattrs: id
 - cat_nodes: health,status,pid
 - cat_plugins: id,description
 - cat_segments: health,status,checkpoint,prirep
 - cat_shards: health,status,checkpoint,prirep
 - cat_templates: composed_of
 - cat_thread_pool: node_id,ephemeral_node_id,pid
 - cat_transforms: health,status
 - cluster_stats: segment,patterns
 - cat_aliases: index,alias
 - cat_allocation: node
 - cat_fielddata: node,field
 - cat_health: shards
 - cat_indices: index
 - cat_nodeattrs: node,attr
 - cat_nodes: ip,name,node_role
 - cat_pending_tasks: index
 - cat_plugins: name
 - cat_recovery: index,shard,stage,type
 - cat_repositories: index
 - cat_segments: index,shard
 - cat_shards: index,node,shard
 - cat_templates: name,index_patterns
 - cat_thread_pool: node_name,name,type
 - cat_transforms: index
 - cluster_health: status
 - nodes_info: name
 - nodes_stats: name
 - nodes_usage: name
 - stats: index
 - cat_aliases: filter,routing_index,routing_search,is_write_index
 - cat_nodeattrs: pid
 - cat_recovery: start_time,start_time_millis,stop_time,stop_time_millis
 - cat_templates: order
 - nodes_usage: _nodes_total,_nodes_successful,since
exporter_poll_default_interval: 15s
 - cluster_health: 5s
exporter_skip_zero_metrics: true
 - cat_health: true
 - cat_indices: true
 - nodes_info: true
 - nodes_stats: true
exporter_metrics_namespace: elasticsearch
exporter_metadata_refresh_interval: 180s
exporter_metrics_lifetime_default_interval: 15s
 - cat_indices: 180s
 - cat_nodes: 60s
 - cat_recovery: 60s

Self exporter metrics

# HELP elasticsearch_subsystem_request_duration_seconds The Elasticsearch subsystem request latencies in seconds.
# TYPE elasticsearch_subsystem_request_duration_seconds histogram
elasticsearch_subsystem_request_duration_seconds_bucket{cluster="devnull",subsystem="/_nodes/os",le="0.005"} 0
elasticsearch_subsystem_request_duration_seconds_sum{cluster="devnull",subsystem="/nodes_stats"} 0.130069193
elasticsearch_subsystem_request_duration_seconds_count{cluster="devnull",subsystem="/nodes_stats"} 1
# HELP http_request_duration_seconds The HTTP request latencies in seconds.
# TYPE http_request_duration_seconds histogram
http_request_duration_seconds_bucket{handler="/metrics",le="0.005"} 1
http_request_duration_seconds_sum{handler="/metrics"} 0.004372555
http_request_duration_seconds_count{handler="/metrics"} 1
# HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_seconds_total 0.24
# HELP process_max_fds Maximum number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_max_fds gauge
process_max_fds 1024
# HELP process_open_fds Number of open file descriptors.
# TYPE process_open_fds gauge
process_open_fds 16
# HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge
process_resident_memory_bytes 25006080
# HELP process_start_time_seconds Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
# TYPE process_start_time_seconds gauge
process_start_time_seconds 1605894185.46
# HELP process_virtual_memory_bytes Virtual memory size in bytes.
# TYPE process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge
process_virtual_memory_bytes 1345773568


Levels: info,warn,error,debug,trace

To debug HTTP requests

export RUST_LOG=info,reqwest=debug

To trace everything

export RUST_LOG=trace


To start:

cargo run --bin elasticsearch_exporter

To test:

cargo test
