viperet / esp8266-power-monitor

DIY Power Monitor project using PZEM-004T module and ESP-12F
GNU General Public License v3.0
18 stars 1 forks source link
diy hacktoberfest pcb platformio pzem-004t


DIY Power Monitor project using PZEM-004T module and ESP-12F

PCB manufactured at JLCPCB PCB

Device assembled in the DIN-rail enclosure Assembled device

Web UI updates data every second using Websockets connection. Web UI


Building issues

If you see build error error: 'int SoftwareSerial::availableForWrite()' marked override, but does not override, you need to remove .pio/libdeps/*/EspSoftwareSerial folders, and EspSoftwareSerial reference from .pio/libdeps/*/PZEM-004T-v30/library.json files (remove whole "dependencies" block, don't forget about comman on the previous line).