virtUOS / edusharing-opencast-importer

This importer harvests episodes (lecture recordings) from Opencast instances and push it as external references to an Edusharing instance.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Version License: GPLv3 Maintenance

HIGHLY IN DEVELOPMENT: Do not use for production

This importer harvests episodes and series (lecture recordings) from Opencast instances and pushes them as external references to an Edu-Sharing instance.



  1. Clone repository and change into repository folder
  2. Install dependencies npm install

Config Minimum

  1. Add new user to your Edu-Sharing instance. For more information see Edu-Sharing documentation.
  2. Rename .env.template file to .env
  3. Edit .env file as described in the comments.
    Minimum required variables are Edu-Sharing host specs (protocol, domain), user and password.
    # (Required) Edu-Sharing host

(Required) Edu-Sharing User to publish Opencast content with

ES_USER=opencast ES_PASSWORD=opencast

4. Rename `config.oc-instances.js.template` to `config.oc-instances.js` in folder `./src/config/`
5. Edit `./src/config/config.oc-instances.js` and add Opencast instances as JSON objects (orgName, orgUrl, protocol, domain). Keys with org Prefix are nescessary for a minimal metadata set of Edu-Sharing nodes. Optionally, the ROR can be specified.<br />
  orgName: 'Opencast',
  orgUrl: '',
  protocol: 'https',
  domain: '',
  blacklistedIds: []

List Ids of oc-records you don't want to import into edu-sharing in blacklistedIds.


  1. Run npm start in repository directory.
    npm start
    // or directly
    node src/index.js

Config Details

Config file can be found in src/config/config.js. It contains four JSON objects each for Edu-Sharing, Opencast, Logger and Filter functionalities. = {
  // Edu-Sharing instance config from .env file
  host: {
    // [...]
  // Edu-Sharing http requests settings
  settings: {
    // Maximal number of http requests send to Edu-Sharing instance at once.
    // Reduce value to reduce Edu-Sharing load. 
    // Increase carefully: In some cases Edu-Sharing was not able to process more than 2 requests parallel. 
    maxPendingPromises: 2
  // Edu-Sharing API routes
  routes: {
    // [...]
config.oc = {
  // Force update episodes and series from Opencast instances
  forceUpdate: false,
  // Opencast instances from /src/config/config.oc-instances.js
  instances: ocInstances,
  // Opencast http requests settings
  settings: {
    maxPendingPromises: 2, // Maximal number of simultaneous https requests
    requestOffset: 5 // Number of requested episodes and series (like pagination)
  // Opencast API routes
  routes: {
    // [...]
  // Storage file names
  filenames: {
    episodes: 'ocEpisodes.json',
    series: 'ocSeries.json',
    episodesData: 'episodesData.json',
    seriesData: 'seriesData.json'
// Logger settings
config.logger = {
  folderPath: './logs/',
  dateBasedFileNaming: true,
  fileNamePrefix: 'es-oc-importer_',
  fileNameExtension: '.log',
  timeZone: 'Europe/Berlin',
  dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
  timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss',
  logLevel: 'debug',
  onlyFileLogging: false
// Filter settings (only harvest episodes with allowed licences)
// Mind the formatting if you add new licences like CC-BY-NC-ND
config.filter = {
  allowedLicences: ['CC0', 'CC-BY', 'CC-BY-SA', 'PD', 'PDM']


Define mapping of opencast-values to edu-sharing-values in src/config/mapping.js.

Import Workflow

  1. Get all published episodes from Opencast Instance
  2. Filter episodes by open licences
  3. Get all published series from Opencast Instance
  4. Edu-Sharing authentication (Basic auth or Bearer token)
  5. Create folder structure in Edu-Sharing user workspace (a folder for every Opencast series)
  6. Create a node/children for every episode (Alfresco API)
  7. Update metadata for all nodes/childrens
  8. Update thumbnails/preview images for episodes nodes/children
  9. Set permissions for all nodes/childrens to public


  1. Setup development environment. You can use the official Edu-Sharing docker container.
  2. Follow all minimum config steps as described above.
  3. Run nodemon to watch for file changes
    npm run dev

Format & Lint

Linting and formatting is run by a husky-hook with every commit. See package.json file for config.

You can also run linting and formatting via this commands:

npm run format
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix


💻 virtUOS (University Osnabrück)

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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