virtual-labs-archive / problem-solving-iiith

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iiith ph2-lab ps-iiith

Some changes need to be made to the web server configuration (in this case, Apache) in order to run the python scripts.

  1. Install mod python

    apt-get install libapache2-mod-python
  2. Add Following lines to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

    <Directory /var/www/> AddHandler mod_python .py PythonHandler mod_python.publisher PythonDebug On

  3. restart Apache server

    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Congrats !!

You need to added 3 more sections on virtual lab home page

3) Target Audience 4) Courses Aligned 5) Pre-requisite Softwares

You can make the above said changes by editing content.html. To update the changes

1) open content.html in your fav editor and search for last closing html tag . 2) Open the change.html file and open it in your fav. editor. 3) Copy all content of change.html 4) Paste it after the last closing html tag (you searched in Step1). 5) Go to ui/src and run " make theme=blue-icon" on command terminal to change theme to blue

We had attached change.html in folder. You can copy the whole content and paste it in content.html .

Below is snapshot how content.html will look like

List of experiments

// PASTE the CHANGE.html content here..


Go to Command Terminal $ cd ui_extracted_folder // Where u have extracted the ui kit $ cd ui/src $ make clean all $ make theme=blue-icon