virtualsquare / vde-2

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VDEv2: Virtual Distributed Ethernet.

(c) 2003/2004/2005/2006 Renzo Davoli Long long time ago based on uml-router Copyright 2002 Yon Uriarte and Jeff Dike qemu-vde-HOWTO is (c) by Jim Brown Notice: Virtual Distributed Ethernet is not related in any way with ("Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik" i.e. the German "Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies").

Components of the VDE architecture:

Using VDE:

Examples of VDE uses:

HOWTO and basic command syntax (for a complete explanation RTM):

vde-switch [ -unix control-socket ] [ -tap tuntap-device ] [ -hub ] [-daemon] This command creates a VDE switch. -unix control-socket The control socket is the socket used for local processes to create a new connection. The default value is /tmp/vde.ctl. User-mode-linux default value is /tmp/uml.ctl, so if you want to use vde with UML you can: (1) use "-unix /tmp/uml.ctl" for vde-switch (2) use "eth0=daemon,,/tmp/vde.ctl" for UML -tap tuntap-device the vde-switch is connected to the specified tap interface. Ususally it is reserved for root as /dev/net/tun is not writable. (It is dangerous to have /dev/net/tun writable by ordinary users). -hub the vde-switch works as a hub (all packets are broadcast on all interfaces. -daemon the switch works as a daemon: it runs in background, it uses syslog for error management.

vde-plug [-p port] [socketname] A vde-cable is composed by two vde-plug and a "cable". A vde-plug connects its standard input and output to a switch. socketname is the control-socket of the switch the plug must be connected to (default value /tmp/vde.ctl). -p port. To use a specific port of the switch. The first available port is assaigned when not specified. It is possibl eto connect several cables to the same prot: Cables connected to the same port represent several path for the same destination.

dpipe cmd1 [arg1] = cmd2 [arg2] it is the double pipe command (it is here just becouse it is not provided by shells). cmd1 and cmd2 are executed, the stdout of cmd1 if pipe connected to the stdin of cmd2 and viceversa. (the symbol = is intended as a pair of communication pipes between the two processes.


if you want to have routing to the Internet you can use standard routing commands on the host machine e.g.:

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

for ipv6

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth0/forwarding


radvd must be configured to broadcast the correct prefix for the tap0 subnet

----- example of /etc/radvd.conf file interface tap0 { AdvSendAdvert on; MaxRtrAdvInterval 120;

put here your prefix.

prefix 1111:2222:3333:4444::/64 { AdvOnLink on; AdvAutonomous on; AdvRouterAddr on;

}; }; ------ end of example

% vde_switch /tmp/my.ctl

(add - daemon if you want to run it in background)

% dpipe vde_plug = vde_plug /tmp/my.ctl (or % dpipe vde_plug /tmp/my.ctl = vde_plug )

connects the vde_switch with ctl socket /tmp/vde.ctl with the other using /tmp/my.ctl.

You need a tool to interconnect stdin stdout of two remote processes. e.g.

% dpipe vde_plug /tmp/my.ctl = ssh remote_machine vde_plug

connects the vde_switch with ctl socket /tmp/vde.ctl on the remote_machine with the local switch using /tmp/my.ctl.

It is possible to use other tools in place of ssh like netcat. In this latter case the communication is not secure.

Setup two daemon as described in (1). In this example is the tap0 address on the server side. Route the traffic to the Internet on the tunnel server side.

On the tunnel client side:

Create a tunnel like in 4 using a group number on the vde-cable: dpipe vde-plug -g 1 = ssh -b server-machine vde-plug -g 1

Create a second tunnel (say on ppp0 addr. gateway

ip rule add from table ppp0-table

# ip route add default via table ppp0-table

Connect the a second cable using the same group number:

dpipe vde-plug -g 1 = ssh -b server-machine vde-plug -g 1

Disconnect the first cable (kill the processes of the first cable)

All the traffic get rerouted on the new vde-cable (thus to another path
on the rel network. Connections in place are unaffected by the change.
Several cables of the same group can be in place during the handoff phase
but note that this ends up in duplicated packets that can slow down
the communication.

Please note also that the vde-switches do not manage (yet) the minimum spanning tree protocol thus a loop in the topology can lead to inconsistent MAC forward tables and to network saturation.

Copyright 2003/2004/2005/2006/2011 Renzo Davoli This product includes software developed by Danny Gasparovski and Fabrice Ballard (slirp support). Acknowlegments: Thanks to Marco Giordani, Leonardo Macchia for their useful help for debugging. Imported code by Danny Gasparovsky, Fabrice Ballard. Thanks to Giuseppe Della Bianca for many bug reports, and patch proposals. Thanks to Daniel P. Barrange for several patches and the management of group ownership. Code organization, bugfixes, autotool support Mattia Belletti.