LaserTracker is a Python-based system for real-time laser point tracking using computer vision techniques and servo control. It detects and tracks a laser point within a video feed, adjusting the position of a camera mounted on servo motors to keep the laser centered on a detected circular reference point.
Python 3.x with OpenCV and NumPy
Arduino IDE for servo control
Compatible webcam, Arduino uno board, 2 axis pan and tilt setup with mounted lasers(green),adapter,DC Jack,Jumper wire,Mini BreadBoard
Install Python Dependencies:
pip install opencv-python numpy pyserial
Upload Arduino Sketch
Connect your Arduino board to your computer.
Open the Arduino IDE and upload the provided Arduino sketch (arduino_nano.ino) to your Arduino board.
Connect your webcam to your computer and ensure it's recognized.
Connect the pan and tilt setup with mounted lasers to your Arduino board.
Run the Python script ( to start the tracking system:python
Point the laser at the camera and observe how the system tracks the laser point by adjusting the pan and tilt angles.
Vishal Yadav
Pushpendra Verma
Sandeep Yadav
Shobhit Singh