vishalvisd / react-validator

Component to validate fields, supports all components including material-ui components
MIT License
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React Validation Framework

Validating fields on UI (client side validation) a lot simpler.

Validating fields in React is complex because of one-way binding and stores often has to be burdened. With this, you just need to wrap your field component that needs to be validated. This also supports material-ui components.


npm i react-validation-framework --save


Basic Usage

   validator={<array of validators>}
   onChangeCallback={<optional, default is 'onChange'>}
   valueProp={<optional, default is 'value'>}
   defaultValueProp={<optional, default is 'onChange'>}
   errorStyle={<optional>} >
   <YourComponent />


Real Code Example

    import {Validation, fieldValidatorCore} from "react-validation-framework";
    import validator from "validator";
        closures={{area, foo: this.state.somevalue.value1}}
        validator: (val) => !validator.isEmpty(val),
        errorMessage: "Cannot be left empty"
          }, {
        validator: (val) => validator.isNumeric(val),
        errorMessage: "Should be a numeric number"
          }, {
        validator: (val) => {
          if (parseInt(val) > 100){
            return false;
          } else {
            return true;
        errorMessage: "Must be any number less than 100"
       style={{width: "100%"}}
           minHeight={this.state.somevalue.value1} //foo
          console.log("you have typed: ",;
          console.log("this value is defined in differenet scope and hence added to closures prop", area);


1- Validation accepts an array of validators functions, each with their respective error messages. The order is important and the field is validated as per the order. For validator function third-party library can be used like - validator, as like above, which has whole bunch of well tested regex, like isEmpty, isEmail, etc or we can supply our own function for specific case to validate.

2- “group” prop can be added to define the group in which the filed belongs. Later the group name can be used to find whether a group of filed is valid or not like this :

        let checkFieldTestResult = fieldValidatorCore.checkGroup("myGroup1");
        if (checkFieldTestResult.isValid){
          console.log("All fields with Gropu prop value as myGroup1 is valid"
        } else {
          console.log("Some of fields with group as "myGroup1" are invalid");
          console.log("Field which are invalid are ", checkFieldTestResult.inValidComponents);
          console.log("Fields which are valid are ", checkFieldTestResult.validComponents

or simply add a ref to the Validation tag and call the isValid method to find if the field is valid.

3- To add a new component (This is required just one time. It could be somewhere in your index.js)

Signature - fieldValidatorCore.addSupport(name, getValueFromChangeEvent, changeCallBackCaller, errorPropName, helperPropName)

name - string - Tag name of you component

getValueFromChangeEvent - function - (arg)=>{}

changeCallBackCaller - function - (callback, args)=>{}

errorPropName- string - if your component has a prop for error, ex. some material-ui components have "error"

helperPropName- string - if your component has a prop for helperText, ex. some material-ui components have "helperText"

add the component before your page component mounts, like

        fieldValidatorCore.addSupport("TextField", (args)=>{
          return args[0].target.value;
        }, (callback, args)=>{
        }, "error", "helperText");

4- (with 2.3.0), If any other prop other than value prop of your field component has value derived from upper scope/closure, ex - 'area' in onChange, it is better to added those closures in a prop called closures, otherwise, if the value changes you field componenet will still be having old value

    <Validation group="ga1" closures={{area}} validators={...}>
      <TextField className={styles.inputStyles}
              if (evt.keyCode === enterKeyCode){


5- (with 4.0.0), set tagName prop as the tagName of your component to avoid failures while uglifying.

Final Note Example usages are put in the examples directory. Contributions are welcomed.