visitsindhupalchowk / visit-sindhupalchowk

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Visit Sindhupalchowk Website Documentation

This repository is dedicated to maintaining the static website for Visit Sindhupalchowk, a platform aimed at showcasing, championing, and empowering the breathtaking region of Sindhupalchowk, Nepal. The website serves as a guide for travelers, providing information about the region's natural beauty, cultural richness, and sustainable development initiatives.


The purpose of this documentation is to outline the structure, components, and maintenance procedures for the Visit Sindhupalchowk website. It serves as a reference for developers and contributors involved in managing and updating the website content.

Repository Structure

The repository is organized as follows:

Maintenance Procedures

Updating Content

Adding Resources

Technical Support

Contribution Guidelines

How To Contribute?

For contribution, please refer to our Contribution Guidelines

Contact Information

For inquiries or assistance regarding the Visit Sindhupalchowk website, please contact:

This documentation provides an overview of the repository structure, maintenance procedures, contribution guidelines, contact information, and licensing details for managing the Visit Sindhupalchowk website. Adjust the placeholders with relevant information as needed.