In Modules, there are the reusable cloud components In Modules there is the microservice module for AWS In Test there are the tests for the microservice with support for
In Projects, there are examples on how to use the Modules
eval COMMON_NAME=infrastrucutre-modules-common; \
eval NAME=infrastrucutre-modules; \
sudo docker build -t $COMMON_NAME -f Dockerfile.common .; \
sudo docker build -t $NAME -f Dockerfile --build-arg="VARIANT=$COMMON_NAME" .; \
sudo docker run --rm -it --name $NAME --env-file .devcontainer/devcontainer.env $NAME
GITHUB_TOKEN is required for the github cli. Otherwise terratest will print the token in the logs, for login or curl requests, which is not a safe behaviour.
In Github:
:warning: The GITHUB_TOKEN
is a default name
Repository access
Only select repositories: [infrastructure-modules, infrastructure-live, scraper-backend, scraper-frontend, ...]
Repository permissions
Actions: Read and write
Administration: Read and write
Contents: Read-only
Environments: Read and write
Metadata: Read-only
Pull-requests: Read and write
Secrets: Read and write
Variables: Read and write
In [AWS]():
Repo secrets:
Environment secrets:
Environment variables:
Open the project with the dev container.
Check the commands of terraform CLI.
# format
terraform fmt
# steps to create infrastructure
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply
# inspect
terraform show
terraform output
# destroy the infrastructure
terraform destroy
terragrunt graph-dependencies | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg
Variables set in the file can be overridden at deployment:
terraform apply -var <var_to_change>=<new_value>
name (in this case hosted by aws)Hosted zone
with the same name as the domain
name. Make sure the domain
name servers match the hosted zone
name serversA
(for ipv4) or AAAA
(for ipv6) record
Hosted zone
Using /16
for CIDR blocks means that the last two parts of the adress are customizable for subnets.
The recommendations are to use the first part of the CIDR for different VPCs projects. When ever there should be a clear abstraction, use a different number. The recommendation is to simply increment by 1 the value of the first value of the CIDR, e.g.
The second part of the cidr block is reserved for replicas of an environment. It could be for another region, for a new environment.
To check the first and last ip of a CIDR block:
cidrhost("", 0)
cidrhost("", -1)
Some modules incorporates other modules wich can be tested. If you test locally, you might come with the following error:
│ Error: Module is incompatible with count, for_each, and depends_on
| ***
│ The module at module.my_module_name is a legacy module which contains its
│ own local provider configurations, and so calls to it may not use the
│ count, for_each, or depends_on arguments.
│ If you also control the module "../path_to_my_module",
│ consider updating this module to instead expect provider configurations to
│ be passed by its caller.
All you have to do is remove the provider file ../path_to_my_module/
which was generated for testing purposes.
Use the RunTestStage
functionnality to disable certain parts of the code, thus not needing to constantly destroy and redeploy the instances for the same test:
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// destroy all resources if panic
terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)
terratestStructure.RunTestStage(t, "cleanup_mongodb", func() {
terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)
terratestStructure.RunTestStage(t, "deploy_mongodb", func() {
terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)
terratestStructure.RunTestStage(t, "validate_mongodb", func() {
s3bucketMongodbArn := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "s3_bucket_mongodb_arn")
s3bucketpicturesArn := terraform.Output(t, terraformOptions, "s3_bucket_pictures_arn")
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:s3:::%s", bucket_name_mongodb), s3bucketMongodbArn)
assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf("arn:aws:s3:::%s", bucket_name_pictures), s3bucketpicturesArn)
err := testMongodbOperations()
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
If you need to disable one functionality, it needs to be present in the test so make sure the env is declared in the environment:
export SKIP_cleanup_mongodb=true
If you need to enable one functionality:
unset SKIP_cleanup_mongodb
This error comes from the fact that you give a pointer to terraform. Terraform is either a value or null. Terratest in Golang has types and its pointers are either nil
or something like 0xc000409cc0
. In order to avoid that error you need to give it a value or a nil pointer, never a adress to a value.