visualengineers / sci-knowledge-base

Shape-changing Interfaces Knowledge Base
MIT License
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This documentation explains the general setup of the Shape-Changing Interfaces Knowledge Base(SCI-KB), which individual changes were made to the template and how you can participate.

General Setup

Whenever committing to this repository, GitHub Pages will run the static site generator Jekyll to rebuild the pages. Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates, providing a number of (really) useful Liquid additions to build the site such as filters to insert content automatically.

Themes. You can either choose from one of the supported themes or use a remote-theme. Its name is stored in the Jekyll _config.yml configuration file via:

theme: theme-name OR remote_theme: "author/theme-name"

The current theme is the remote theme vsoch/docsy-jekyll. Custom modifications to the remote theme include the sidebar and navigation functionality, additional layout templates and includes, custom styling as well as data storage and queries.

Markdown. Unless you don't have any super special requests, Markdown makes it easy to style your writing. It includes conventions for syntax highlighted code blocks, headlines, lists, font styles and simplifies the insertion of images and links.

If you stumble upon a broken link in SCI-KB, check if the baseurl of the site is prepended. (which is not automatically rendered). You can check the baseurl settings in the _config.yml configuration file. Quick fix:

{{ site.baseurl }}/your-link or {{ site.baseurl }}/{{ custom-page.url }} or {{ custom-page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}

More fancy markdown: GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Kramdown. Not yet satisfied? Kramdown is the default Markdown renderer for Jekyll, offering you additional options for styling. Add for example {} to tell Kramdown you want to apply your fancy custom CSS.

SCI-KB Specials

These path specifications and reusable code snippets are special for the SCI-KB. They have been created to structure the knowledge base and facilitate the insertion of new content.

Inserting Knowledge

We're glad you want to join in! What type of content do you want to insert?

Linking To Knowledge

Do you want to reference your content or did you discover a missing link? You can link content in markdown pages with the following syntax.

Adding Media To A Page Like A Pro

These code snippets ensure that media content looks good everywhere. (Even if the photos look like, we're afraid not.)



Helpful links for all who have not yet enough or further questions.