vittoriotriassi / jobs_scraper

Simple job postings scraper for Indeed based on requests and BeautifulSoup
MIT License
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beautifulsoup jobs-scraper python requests scraper web-scraping


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jobs_scraper is a simple job postings scraper for the website Indeed, it is written in Python and is based on the requests and BeautifulSoup libraries.


Run the following to install the package:

pip install jobs_scraper


To use jobs_scraper you need to create a new JobsScraper object and provide the following attributes to its constructor:

from jobs_scraper import JobsScraper

# Let's create a new JobsScraper object and perform the scraping for a given query.
scraper = JobsScraper(country="nl", position="Data Engineer", location="Amsterdam", pages=3)
df = scraper.scrape()

In this way, the first three pages for the example query "Data Engineer" based in "Amsterdam" on the Dutch version of the portal Indeed get scraped. The scrape method returns a Pandas dataframe, therefore it is possible to export it into a csv file.

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