viur-framework / viur-cli

Command-line interface for managing and developing ViUR
MIT License
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cli python viur
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Command-line interface for ViUR framework project maintenance.

What does it do?

viur-cli allows to control, maintain, develop and deploy a ViUR project from one central location by using the viur command.


To use viur-cli in your ViUR projects, install the PyPI package viur-cli.

$ pipenv install --dev viur-cli


$ viur -h

will show all the commands that are currently supported by viur-cli

$ viur --version 

will show your current viur-cli version

$ viur create myapp

this will create a new project folder, clone the base project and then call viur init to prepare a project.json you can use this to get started quickly with a new viur project from scratch.

$ viur run [profile]

run the appserver and start your app locally. You may specify a target profile.

$ viur check [--dev]

Runs a security check for the python environment and for each npm project registered under builds.

$ viur package {install|update} {vi|scriptor|admin|all} 

handles ViUR ecosystem package operations



$ viur build {app|clean|release} [option]

Builds ViUR Project or specific apps Commands:

$ viur cloud deploy {app|index|cloudfunction} {profile} {--ext|--yes|--name}

This Function deploys the Google Cloud application and / or different .yaml files Scripts:

$ viur cloud init {service} {profile} 

This Function makes the init deployment for a ViUR project. This Function needs to be called so that the development server works locally.

$ viur cloud {enable|disable} backup

Enable/ Disable the Backup buckets you need to Backup a cloud project in the Google Cloud Console

$ viur cloud setup {gcloud|gcroles} 


$ viur cloud get {gcroles} 


$ viur package {update|install} {vi|admin|scriptor|all} [profile] [version]

Performs operations on packages



$ viur env

Show information about your current environment.

$ viur project list

Pretty prints your project.json file on the console.

$ viur update {requirements}

with this you can update your project specific requirements.txt file automatically

The project.json

The project.json is your core project configuration file for every viur related operation. It contains the default viur project profile and it can be expanded with several individual project profiles.

Example project.json

      The format Key, Value pair defines the project json format, the viur-cli uses
    "format": "2.0.0",
      The first level contains of your profiles
      "default" is a profile, which is inherited by "develop" and "live" and can be customized for particular versions 
      and/or GAE projects. Therefore, every profile can contain all keys from the "default" profile.*/
    "default": {
          The builds level declares steps for the `viur build` command.
          It can contain viur components and other components that need to be build before project deployment
        "builds": { 
            "admin": {
                "command": "viur install admin",
                "kind": "exec",
                "version": "4.0.8"
            "npm": {
                "command": "build",
                "kind": "npm",
                "source": ""
        "gcloud": {
            "functions": { //Declarations for a cloud function
                "testfunction1": {
                    "entry-point": "main",
                    "env-vars-file": "env.yaml",
                    "memory": "512MB",
                    "runtime": "python311",
                    "source": "deploy/cloudfunction/function1",
                    "trigger": "http"
            "max-instances": "1",
            "region": "europe-west3"
        "core": "3.5.1",  // viur-core version of your project
        "distribution_folder": "./deploy", // Deploy folder uploaded to GAE
        "sources_folder": "./sources",
        "version": "live-$(year)-$(month)-$(day)", // Version string; Variables can be used here.
        "application_name": "my-live-app-viur3" // Name of the GAE project *4
    "develop": {  
        "application_name": "my-dev-app-viur3", 
        "version": "dev-$(user)"  

Viur scripting interface

There is a new core component that enables us to pull and push python scripts from/to a deployed application and run these in a sandbox or even locally. The GUI version is called scriptor and can be accessed via a webinterface, but viur-cli also has a cli for this:

$ viur script {configure|pull|push|run|setup}

Manage your ViUR Scriptor Scripts via the CLI Commands:

Packaged tools

In order to use the packaged tools, you can run:

$ viur tool {2to3|pyodide|ssl-fix}


for example the 2to3 script helps porting viur2 project to viur3, it can be used to automatically rename some things that are deprecated in viur3 as well, so you can use it whenever a new core version is released for viur3 projects as well:

$ viur tool 2to3 -d .

will dry-run the script in the current directory and not make any changes, only suggestions. If you want to make the changes, leave out the -d argument and if you are a daring go-getter and like to live dangerously, replace the -d with -x, which will write the suggested changes without making a backup of the changed files.


If you want to hack viur-cli, clone this repository next to the folder of your ViUR project.

$ git clone
$ ls -1

Then, add it to your project as an editable dependency using

$ cd your-project
$ pipenv install --dev --editable ../viur-cli


viur-cli depends on


Copyright © 2024 by Mausbrand Informationssysteme GmbH.
Mausbrand and ViUR are registered trademarks of Mausbrand Informationssysteme GmbH.

This project is free software under the MIT license.
Please see the LICENSE file for details.