vivanishin / secretary-bot

A software secretary communicating via Telegram
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A telegram bot which remembers everything you say and generates a digest later. The idea is to talk to a robotic secretary in Telegram instead of talking to yourself (which I do all the time). It also allows you to run simple actions on the bot's machine. (Control you machine via chat messages!)



If you don't have pip, install it first: e.g. sudo apt-get install python-pip.


First, create a config file of the following form:

[bot] # Section name. Not optional.
token = 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11 # Your token (see below) to control the bot through http api.
digest_dir = digest # Direcotry for saving digests on the server.
video_download_dir = ~/video/youtube

Now simply run

python <config-file>

or even python if your config file happens to be "./bot-secretary.config" or "~/bot-secretary.config".

The bot is not demonized, however there's a script ( which restarts the bot in a detached screen session if it is not running.

If you don't know what the token I am talking about is, chat with BotFather to create yourself a new bot.


This repository includes these sounds from freesound:

Gong.wav by juskiddink.