vivazzi / JAson

Creation a JSON object with data of different types and run serialization and deserialization of JSON data.
MIT License
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json mql mql4 mql5 serialization

JSON Serialization and Deserialization in MQL

Realization of JSON protocol in mql4 / mql5. You can create JSON object with data of different types and run serialization and deserialization of JSON data.

This repo is fork of JAson ( with improvements, refactoring code, unit tests and translating of comments to English.


Download repo and copy JAson/Include/JAson.mqh folder to <TERMINAL DIR>/MQL(4/5)/Include


Add #include <JAson.mqh> and create CJAVal object to work with JSON data. See simple example for easy understand:

#include <JAson.mqh>

int OnInit(){
    CJAVal data;

    // --- simple structure ---
    data["a"] = 12;
    data["b"] = 3.14;
    data["c"] = "foo";
    data["d"] = true;

    Print(data["a"].ToInt());  // 12
    Print(data["b"].ToDbl());  // 3.14
    Print(data["c"].ToStr());  // "foo"
    Print(data["d"].ToBool());  // true

    // --- array structure ---

    Print(data["e"][0].ToStr());  // "bar"
    Print(data["e"][1].ToInt());  // 2

    // --- nested structures ---
    // - as part of array -
    CJAVal sub_data_obj_in_list;
    sub_data_obj_in_list["k1"] = 7;
    sub_data_obj_in_list["k2"] = "baz";


    Print(data["e"][2]["k1"].ToInt());  // 7
    Print(data["e"][2]["k2"].ToStr());  // "baz"

    // - as object -
    CJAVal sub_data_obj;
    sub_data_obj["sub_c"] = "muz2";
    sub_data_obj["sub_d"] = 44;

    data["f"] = sub_data_obj;
    Print(data["f"]["sub_c"].ToStr());  // "muz2"
    Print(data["f"]["sub_d"].ToInt());  // 44

To get value from Json object, you need use methods:

For example:

data["a"].ToInt();  // 12
data["b"].ToDbl();  // 3.14
data["c"].ToStr();  // "foo"
data["d"].ToBool();  // true

To create array, use .Add()


To use nested json, create other CJAVal object and assign to existed CJAVal object. Nested CJAVal object can be value of key or contained in array:

CJAVal data;

// - adding as object -
CJAVal data_1;
data_1["d1_1"] = 7;
data_1["d1_2"] = "foo";

data["a"] = data_1;

// - adding as part of array -
CJAVal data_2;
data_2["d2_1"] = 1;
data_2["d2_1"] = "bar";


Serialization and Deserialization

JAson provides the serialization and deserialization:

#include <JAson.mqh>

int OnInit(){
    string data_str;
    CJAVal data;

    data["a"] = 3.14;
    data["b"] = "foo";

    Print(data["b"].ToStr());  // foo

    data_str = data.Serialize();
    Print(data_str);  // {"a":3.14000000,"b":"foo","c":["bar",2,"baz"]}

    CJAVal data_2;

    Print(data_2["a"].ToDbl());  // 3.14
    Print(data_2["b"].ToStr());  // foo

    Print(data_2["c"][0].ToStr());  // bar
    Print(data_2["c"][1].ToInt());  // 2
    Print(data_2["c"][2].ToStr());  // baz

It can be useful for data saving in a file or send Json object by POST request.

POST request with Json object:

#include <JAson.mqh>
#include <requests/requests.mqh>  //

int OnInit(){
    CJAVal data;

    data["a"] = 7;
    data["b"] = "foo";

    Requests requests;
    Response response ="", data.Serialize());

    Print(response.text);  // {"status": "OK", "method": "POST", "body": "{"a": 7, "b": "foo"}"}

    Print(data["status"].ToStr());  // "OK"
    Print(data["method"].ToStr());  // "POST"
    Print(data["body"].ToStr());  // {"a": 7, "b": "foo"}

    // if Json object has value of key as serialized object, you can also deserialize this value
    CJAVal data_2;
    Print(data_2["a"].ToInt());  // 7
    Print(data_2["b"].ToStr());  // "foo"

    // also you can join this Json objects to get full structure
    data["body"] = data_2;

In this example it has been used: mql_requests and online service Getest for testing GET and POST requests.

Clear Json and check for the existence of a key

To clear CJAVal object, use method Clear():

#include <JAson.mqh>

int OnInit(){
    CJAVal data;
    string data_str;

    data["a"] = 3.14;
    data["b"] = "foo";
    data_str = data.Serialize();
    Print(data_str);  // "{"a":3.14000000,"b":"foo"}"

    data["c"] = 123;
    data["d"] = "bar";
    data_str = data.Serialize();
    Print(data_str);  // "{"c":123,"d":"bar"}"

So if you want to get values of "c" and "d" keys, you need:

Print(data["c"].ToInt())  // 123
Print(data["d"].ToStr())  // "bar"

But if you check "a" and "b" keys, that no longer exist (or never used keys), you get initial values for key:

// old notexistent keys
Print(data["a"].ToDbl())  // 0.0
Print(data["b"].ToStr())  // "" (empty)

// never used keys
Print(data["e"].ToStr())  // "" (empty)

And this can lead to logical errors - be careful! Always use only a specific set of keys to avoid logical error!

If you use Json, that can be cleaned up, and you use different keys, you can check type of keys. JAson library define next types:

Then in example above:

// old notexistent keys
Print(data["a"].ToDbl());  // 0.0
Print(data["a"].type);  // jtUNDEF
Print(data["b"].ToStr());  // ""
Print(data["b"].type);  // jtUNDEF

// current keys
Print(data["c"].ToInt());  // 123
Print(data["c"].type);  // jtINT
Print(data["d"].ToStr());  // "bar"
Print(data["d"].type);  // jtSTR

// never used keys
Print(data["e"].ToStr());  // ""
Print(data["e"].type);  // jtUNDEF

So you can compare key type with jtUNDEF, if you want to check for the existence of a key:

#include <JAson.mqh>

int OnInit(){
    CJAVal data;

    data["a"] = 3.14;

    data["c"] = 123;

    if (data["a"].type == jtUNDEF) {
        // do something
    } else {
        // else do something



Assigment methods:

Serialization and deserialization:

Other helper methods:

Precision rules of double type for dbl_precision parameter

Run tests

  1. Copy JAson/Scripts/ folder to <TERMINAL DIR>/MQL(4/5)/Scripts/
  2. Compile TestJAson.mq4 and run TestJAson.ex4 in terminal in a window of any trading pair.
  3. Look test result in <TERMINAL DIR>/MQL(4/5)/Files/TestJAson_unit_test_log.txt


To reporting bugs or suggest improvements, please use the issue tracker.

Thank you very much, that you would like to contribute to JAson. Thanks to the present, past and future contributors.

If you think you have discovered a security issue in code, please do not create issue or raise it in any public forum until we have had a chance to deal with it. For security issues use



Copyright © 2021 Alexey Sergeev, Artem Maltsev and contributors.

MIT licensed.