Closed luciovilla closed 10 years ago
How to get "Title"
SELECT post_title FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = 8408714;
How to get "Caption"
SELECT post_excerpt FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = 8408714;
How to get "Alt Text"
SELECT meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = "_wp_attachment_image_alt" AND post_id = 8408714;
How to get "Description"
SELECT post_content FROM wp_posts WHERE ID = 8408714;
Audit of metadata broken down by XMP, EXIF, and IPTC on 12 sample images from Getty, Reuters, Tribune, and Hoy (Roger Morales) in this Google spreadsheet:
Code I used to generate this:
I used the utility exiftool to extract this:
Looks like we're not going to be able to leverage metadata for wire photos, which is ok. unfortunate, but ok as we do have other fields that provide plenty of context.
Some discussion on this metadata stripping:
This one from 2007 says that Reuters stripped EXIF metadata because one of their customers complained that the presence of the EXIF metadata interfered with their workflow:
Would still be worth talking to them to ask if we can get it some other (free) way.
Chicago Tribune
Also comes with camera data: camera, lens, focal length, exposure
Also comes with camera data: camera, lens, focal length, exposure
The images sampled did not come with exif data for camera/lens