vivelohoy / vivelohoy-3.0

The next generation site for Hoy Chicago.
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Vivelohoy 3.0 WordPress Theme

Development - Getting Started

Managing Deployment Credentials

Copy secretsrc to home folder as .secretsrc file:

cp secretsrc ~/.secretsrc

Change permission to 700 on the .secretsrc file:

chmod 700 ~/.secretsrc

Edit the .secretsrc file and fill in WP Engine Credentials, Dev Blog credentials (from webfaction), and HipChat details. Add line to .zshrc to use .secretsrc:

echo 'source ~/.secretsrc' >> ~/.zshrc

Setup Deployment Tools

We're using INN's handy deploy-tools for quick and simple local development environment setup with Vagrant and for deployment to WPEngine with Fabric. Don't worry about clicking all those links, deploy-tools takes care of it. We have included their package as a submodule, so to get started please run:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Then you should follow their instructions on setting up a Python virtual environment and installing the required Python packages to power deploy-tools:

Setup python dev environment:

sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
echo 'source /usr/local/bin/' >> ~/.zshrc

Change ~/.zshrc to the appropriate rc file for your shell. If you're using bash: ~/.bashrc.

Open a new terminal window or tab and create a virtual environment for your project:

mkvirtualenv vivelohoy --no-site-packages
workon vivelohoy
pip install -r requirements.txt
fab verify_prerequisites

Follow their instructions on Usage on how to deploy to WPEngine and how to set up the Vagrant system. Be sure to install the local copy of WordPress as they suggest.

Installing JS Packages with Bower

We're using Bower to manage the JS dependencies. Once you have bower installed, change directory into the wp-content/themes/twentythirteen-child/ folder and run:

bower install

This will read from the bower.json file in the same directory and download the dependencies it finds there into a folder bower_components. This folder is ignored by git so it is only usable on your local system.