vixns / wp-docker-bootstrap

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Wordpress docker bootstrap

Setup a docker wordpress installation in minutes and get ready to work with Vixns Clusters. Instatallation scripts will automatically download latest wordpress release, create mysql user and database and generate configuration files. It includes a lemp stack (nginx + php-fpm + mariadb), a mailhog instance to manage outgoing emails, phpMyAdmin and a minio instance that will make your wordpress website "S3 ready". The /wp-content/upload folder is not used anymore, all uploaded files will be stored into your local minio instance. Then, in order to deploy a staging / production environnement, you'll need a remote S3 bucket, ask our team !


Only alphanumeric characters must be used for project name.(ex. "myproject), do not use dot, hyphens, underscore etc ...

git clone myproject
cd myproject

This script will ask some configuration options A few environment variables must be set to automate the proces.

`WP_LANG` the wordpress installation language, `en` and `fr` values are currently supported.
`DOCKER_REGISTRY` the docker private registry FQDN, eg ``
`MYSQL_MARATHON_PATH` the mysql cluster path, eg `mysql-master-common-test.marathon.vx`
`PROD_FQDN` the production FQDN, eg ``
`PREPROD_FQDN` the staging FQDN, eg ``
`PREPROD_USER` the staging http basic auth user
`PREPROD_PASSWD` the http basic auth password

Link to a git repository

git remote add origin [Your repository url]

Share your code

To achieve your first push, you need to set upstream. Afterwards, a simple git push will do the job.

git push --set-upstream origin develop  

Common Wordpress operations

Core update

./wp core update
./wp core update-db


Plugins update

./wp plugin update --all

Search for a plugin

./wp plugin search [some text]
./wp plugin search gravatar

Install and activate a plugin

./wp plugin install [name] --activate
./wp plugin install disable-user-gravatar --activate


Themes update

./wp theme update --all

Search for a theme

./wp theme search [some text]
./wp theme search material

Install and activate a theme

./wp theme install [name] --activate
./wp theme install material --activate

Read more about WP-CLI

Database operations



This script produce the export.sql.gz file.


./scripts/ export.sql.gz


cat dump.sql | ./scripts/

S3 operations

Setup a remote bucket

First ask to the operation team a new S3 bucket, you'll need

Then run the following command :

./scripts/mc alias set [name] [endpoint] [key] [secret]
./scripts/mc alias set remote_alias mykey supersecret

Mirror a bucket

Mirroring a bucket may result to a lot of network transit, high disk usage and transfer fees when cloning an Amazon S3 bucket.

Mirror remote to local

./script/mc mirror [alias]/[bucket]/[path] minio/wordpress/[path]

Mirror local to remote

./script/mc mirror minio/wordpress/[path] [alias]/[bucket]/[path]

Mirroring an entire remote bucket localy

./scripts/mc mirror remote_alias/mybucket/ minio/wordpress/

Mirroring only a specific folder from remote to local

./scripts/mc mirror remote_alias/mybucket/uploads/2021 minio/wordpress/uploads/2021

Mirroring the local bucket to remote

./scripts/mc mirror minio/wordpress/ remote_alias/mybucket/

Mirroring only a specific folder from local to remote

./scripts/mc mirror minio/wordpress/uploads/2021 remote_alias/mybucket/uploads/2021

Migrate an existing /wordpress/wp-content/uploads folder to local bucket

./scripts/mc mirror uploads minio/wordpress/uploads

Daily Workflow on Vixns clusters

Send my local development version to staging for the first time


Send the export.sql.gz file to the operation team.

Ask the operation team for a new S3 bucket, then create an alias whith these informations

./scripts/mc alias set staging [endpoint]/[bucket] [key] [secret]

Mirror your local store to staging

./scripts/mc mirror minio/wordpress/ staging/[bucket]/

Push your git "develop" branch to deploy the "staging" environnement ("master" branch is reserved for "production" environnement)

git push

Open a support ticket, the operation team will add the required secrets in the vault store and supervise the first deploy.

Send my local development updates to staging

If you made only code changes, run git push

If you've added some content and want to OVERWRITE the staging database


Send the export.sql.gz file to the operation team.

If you've added some uploads content and want to merge them on staging ( may OVERWRITE existing files )

./scripts/mc mirror minio/wordpress/ staging/[bucket]/

Deploy to production for the first time

Merge the develop branch to master on gitlab/github/bitbucket/...

Open a support ticket, the operation team will take care of the whole process.

Update production from staging

Merge the develop branch to master on gitlab/github/bitbucket/...

Staging database or uploads changes will NOT be sent to production.

If you need a production update requiring data overwrite from staging, you have to open a support ticket. In this ticket you have to explicitly ask for production overwrite, this is your responsability.