vjjan91 / diurnal-Acoustics

A repository that contains code and analyses examining the drivers of diurnal variation in vocal activity
MIT License
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Drivers of diurnal variation in vocal activity in a tropical bird community

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

This repository contains code and analysis for a manuscript that examines the drivers of diurnal variation in vocal activity for a tropical bird community in the Western Ghats.

This manuscript is currently in review. Please reach out to the repository owner if you have questions.

Readable version

A readable version of this analysis is available in bookdown format by clicking on the heading above.

Source code for the analyses

We describe what each script (.Rmd) of this repository is intended to achieve below.


The data/ folder contains the following datasets required to reproduce the above scripts.


This folder contains outputs that were obtained by running the above scripts.


The figs\ folder contains figures accompanying the main text, as well as supplementary material figures.


To cite this repository:

Ramesh, Vijay and Sundar, Pavithra. (2023). Source code and supplementary material for (version xx). Zenodo. [doi to be added].