vjpsyverson / CCCLabManuals

Biol-3 lab manual
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This repository hosts the most current version of the Biol-3 lab manual used by Clovis Community College (in Clovis, CA, not NM).

For CCC Students and Faculty

If you are a Clovis Community College student or biology instructor, you have probably been directed here to print yourself a copy of the lab book. Download the file titled "LabWorkbook_NoCover.pdf" and print it in grayscale, no color needed; it's 146 pages long. You can also download the one-page file "LabWorkbookCover_Color.pdf" and print it if you want a cover for your copy; this will look better in color, of course, but will still be readable if printed in grayscale.

For Other Faculty

The book is published under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0) and as such is free to use and alter with attribution. However, many of the labs have been tailored to the resources available at CCC, and therefore rely on having things like a breeding colony of pillbugs (Armadillidium) or the specific slides and specimens that we have in the Biol-3 classroom. If you would like help in reworking some of the labs to be more useful for your institution, or if you just want a copy of the InDesign file, which is too large for github's file size limit, please feel free to contact the editor and repository maintainer, Dr. Val Syverson (@vjpsyverson on github, vsyverson{at}gmail.com).