vladest / googlemaps

QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API
MIT License
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qmake: handle missing private headers #15

Closed neolit123 closed 6 years ago

neolit123 commented 6 years ago

Use qtHaveModule() (requires qmake5) to determine if the following modules are available: location-private positioning-private

If these modules exists add them to the QT variable. If not use the following modules instead: location positioning

The reason for this change is that on recent Ubuntu and Debian the QtLocation and QtPositioning private headers, simply do not exists as packages. So what one has to do is download them manually either from the whole binary package of Qt or from the source code repository and place them in "QtLocation" or in "QtPositioning" folders under ./ or under ../. The alternative is to have root access and install them in the folder which contains the rest of the Qt headers.

By adding ./ and ../ in INCLUDEPATH, we add the option for the user to use the parent or local directory for these headers.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir I. Ivanov neolit123@gmail.com

dirkhh commented 6 years ago

+1 This allows us to build the module on Ubuntu or Debian with just a little wrapper around it to make sure we have those private headers installed.