vladest / googlemaps

QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API
MIT License
137 stars 61 forks source link
googlemaps qt5 qtlocation

Google Maps plugin for QtLocation

GoogleMaps plugin for QtLocation module

Build instructions:

  1. </your/Qt/folder/bin/>qmake -r
  2. make
  3. make install

Running: Plugin parameter mustbe provided in order to make plugin works

PluginParameter { name: "googlemaps.useragent" value: "mygreatapp" }

PluginParameter { name: "googlemaps.cachefolder" value: "/gmaps_cache" }

PluginParameter { name: "googlemaps.route.apikey" value: "bla-bla" }

PluginParameter { name: "googlemaps.maps.apikey" value: "bla-bla1" }

PluginParameter { name: "googlemaps.geocode.apikey" value: "bla-bla2" }

PluginParameter { name: "googlemaps.maps.tilesize" value: "256" }

Debugging: to check what plugins are loaded, set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 environment variable