vladest / googlemaps

QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API
MIT License
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Imagery Tile in QT #23

Open DavisMillier opened 6 years ago

DavisMillier commented 6 years ago

Hello dear I need know somting in QT about GIS work , I programming with Dotspatial GIS Engine in C# but i need to switch in linux and QT framework so i dont know with of plugin and module in QT can help me to load all layer type i need to have offline map tile same as google map i need to have render SHP file or osm i need to render Raster file may be in the same time or switch with click on button i need to have some method to draw Line Polygon and poin with the custom symbol for every feature i need to have Positioning system may you help me to select best engine for do it ? i dont know why i should use ArcGis or QGIS , Marble , QT Location or etc .. which one is better ?

vladest commented 6 years ago

Hello Davis

I think, first you have to pay attention to QtLocation API then choose exact map plugin (or several), which better suits your needs

DavisMillier commented 6 years ago

Hello vladest may you help me to find better map plugin ? that can render offline image tile same as google map ? i need 1 plugin for it cause i should work on 1 or more layer for drawing something if i user more than 1 plugin it may not able to integrate layer to other plugin

AllanTroy commented 5 years ago

Hello Davis

I have already referred to QGC, and program with the googlemaps in Qt. And I used to program with Dotspatial, too. So I want you to know: 1.The googlemaps is just a plugin to QtLocation, as a provider for tile mapping and geocoding services by requesting Google Maps source. It‘s good for offline map tile from Google Maps. 2.QtLocation is similar to GMap, but lightweight. Not good for rendering SHP and Raster, but friendly to Geojson. No standar layer or overlay, the rendering mechanism just like KML. 3.QGIS is similar to Dotspatial (such as topology, legend for layers, raster layer and symbol system), but complex.