vladest / googlemaps

QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API
MIT License
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no supportedMapTypes? #43

Open nicoatSQDR opened 1 year ago

nicoatSQDR commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm trying to change the map type and i get qrc:/main.qml:24: ReferenceError: supportedMapTypes is not defined qrc:/main.qml: 24 when i try to get the maptypes. This is my qml file.

`import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.14 import QtLocation 5.15 import QtPositioning 5.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15

Window { width: Qt.platform.os == "android" ? Screen.width : 512 height: Qt.platform.os == "android" ? Screen.height : 512 visible: true

Plugin {
    id: mapPlugin
    name: "googlemaps"
        name: "activeMapType"
        value: "1"
        name: "googlemaps.maps.highdpi"
        value: "1"
    Component.onCompleted: {
                for( var i_type in supportedMapTypes ) {
                    if( supportedMapTypes[i_type].name.localeCompare( "Custom URL Map" ) === 0 ) {
                        activeMapType = supportedMapTypes[i_type]

Map {
    anchors.fill: parent
    plugin: mapPlugin
    center: QtPositioning.coordinate(45, 5) // Oslo
    zoomLevel: 14

// GroupBox{ // title:"map types" // ComboBox{ // model:mapPlugin.supportedMapTypes // textRole:"description" // onCurrentIndexChanged: mapPlugin.activeMapType = mapPlugin.supportedMapTypes[currentIndex] // } // } } `

Is it implemented? Thanks!

Brucethebat commented 9 months ago

Hi i dont have any idea about google maps and QtLocation. But you can use webview and some extra coding like that ? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8515598/how-to-add-google-maps-in-my-application-in-qt

Also you can code your own plugin to implement google maps ?