vladest / googlemaps

QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API
MIT License
137 stars 61 forks source link

How to use it?! #5

Open seyedmmousavi opened 7 years ago

seyedmmousavi commented 7 years ago

I built plugin using QtCreator and Qt5.6.2 on MacOSX. After build I used terminal to install it using make install. How to use it? there is not any example qml file.

vladest commented 7 years ago

same way as any other QtLocation plugin its plugin name: "googlemaps"

nouah commented 3 years ago
import QtLocation 5.12
import QtPositioning 5.12

Plugin {
        id: myPlugin
           PluginParameter {
               name: "keys"
               value: "your api"
Map {
        id: map
seyedmmousavi commented 2 years ago

great 👍🏻