vladest / googlemaps

QtLocation plugin for Google maps tile API
MIT License
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Black tiles for Hybrid map #9

Open neolit123 opened 6 years ago

neolit123 commented 6 years ago


i think i found an issue with the Hybrid map type. if you zoom over these coordinates in the Red Sea: https://www.google.bg/maps/place/27%C2%B033'55.8%22N+34%C2%B035'00.8%22E/@27.565488,34.5813603,880m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d27.565488!4d34.583549

some black tiles are loaded instead of normal tiles at a relatively low zoom: http://i.imgur.com/GOOSIWI.jpg

i've opened the cache folder and it seems that the tiles are just downloaded as black. also as a side question, when you zoom deep enough the same black tiles start appearing - would it be possible to not load these black tiles and perhaps load tiles from the last zoom level?

the Satellite map type doesn't have this issue over the Red Sea, but instead, on very deep zoom it starts showing white tiles.


vladest commented 6 years ago

According to my experience this is issue with lack of data on the server: on certain areas on certain zoom levels, they just not fills non-relevant data (on their opinion) Take in account that Google tiles is not an official

neolit123 commented 6 years ago

i'm assuming there is no way we can fix this (or get around it)?

something else i've noticed in the "satellite" map is that if you zoom to the maximum level all tiles disappear and the screen turns white. i've tried setting the maximum zoom to a lower value in the camera settings, but the white screen still appears. perhaps that's an issue in the QML Map (QtDeclerativeMap) viewport/camera?