vladignatyev / bulktag

Bulk image tagging using OpenAI GPT-4 Vision
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Bulk image tagging using OpenAI GPT-4 Vision

This script helps you prepare your photos and raster illustration artworks for uploading to image stocks.

The script reads every image in the directory provided and generates descriptions and keywords for each picture using GPT-4 Vision.


Click to watch! Watch the video


This project uses poetry for the dependency management. Install Poetry before you proceed to the next steps.

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run poetry install


Generate descriptions and keywords for each image in the directory and then save the output as output.csv:

poetry run python keywords.py /path/to/directory/containing/images --openai YOUR_API_KEY

More information:

poetry run python keywords.py



Add an issue or open a pull request on GitHub. This software is maintained by Vladimir Ignatev.