vladislavs-poznaks / sf-payments

SF Payments application
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Reference to task


Set up

Only Docker is needed to set up and run this project.

Copy .env variables, optionally set different ports. Note that if APP_ENV is set to development, it will seed example loan data.

cp .env.example .env

Install the dependencies

docker compose run --rm composer install

Run the migrations

docker compose run --rm migrations migrate


docker compose run --rm phpunit tests

Starting project

Please note, that by default application is served on port 8888

docker compose up -d nginx


Method: POST Uri: \api\payment Responses: 201, 400, 409, 500

Running console commands

docker compose run --rm cli <COMMAND-NAME>

The application specific commands are namespaced

Payments report - docker compose run --rm cli sf-payments:payments-report --date=<DATE-IN-FORMAT-YYYY-MM-DD>

Since the application is containerized, there are two ways to import file. An imports directory has been created in app's root directory, from here the files can be processed using relative path.

docker compose run --rm cli sf-payments:payments-import --file payments.csv

Alternatively, any path can be bound to container's imports directory.

docker compose run --rm --volume="$PWD/../../some-host-directory":/var/www/html/imports cli sf-payments:payments-import --file payments.csv

Assumptions and clarifications

As it was not entirely clear if loans and customers are separate services or is this application's part, no relationships were mapped and foreign keys defined to keep it loosely coupled.

For imports the reference differed from API request example's UUID format. In order to not implement additional column, import data was adjusted. If needed separate refereneces, further development is required. For imports console output it is not clear as to on what particular conditions the custom errors should be returned. On any record error or on all, should the valid data be not imported if there are errors. For imports it is not cleared if payment should be also processed.

API part implemented

Communication NOT implemented

Console part implemented partly (except for error handling, needs clarification)

Logging NOT implemented

Testing partly implemented (for value objects)

As no framework was used, much time was spent on developing infrastructure instead of business logic.

Further development

Business logic

  1. Communication


  1. Implementing DI container (Started to implement, added bindings for repositories)
  2. Allowing for custom requests objects to delegate validation and authorization
  3. Implementing exception handler for logging purposes, implementing request middleware for logging purposes
  4. Implementing configuration