vladymir / ArCatch

ArCatch: A Tool for Static-Architecture Conformance Checking of Exception Handling Design
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ArCatch is a tool for static-architecture conformance checking of exception handling design, which deals with the Exception Handling Degradation problem. ArCatch is composed of two main parts:

ArCatch is implemented in Java and its current version provides support only for Java programs.

Architecture drift and erosion are problems in software development. The first one, occurs when the system implements an architecture that is not specified but does not violate project design pretended. The second, on the other hand, is worse because it violates. ArCatch verifies these problems in a target system based on defined rules.

First, we need to do the basic configuration, informing pathing and dependencies. After, defined modules and exceptions as a compartment. The rules are specified using the compartments they can be: Only can, Can only, Cannot and Must the rules have relations that can be 'raise', 'reraise', 'signal', 'handle', 'remap' and 'flow'. The general syntax for the rules are 'id' + 'relation' + 'id' and an optional part ['to' id...].

There are some important things to notice, the relations raise, reraise, signal and handle must connect module to exception and the optional part can't be used, the relation remap need the optional part to an exception and the last relation flow connects an exception to an module that will start the flow and can be addressed the optional part to indicate the modules that the expectation can flow.

We can see in the images a class diagram representing the implementation of some class of the dsl folder. In general we have an Builder implementing some interfaces representing an order to build the class. For example, ConfigurationBuilder implements ConfigBegin, ConfigPath, ConfigDependecies and ConfigEnd always returning itself. See, configurationBuilder() from ArCatchAPI return an ConfigBegin calls projectName or projectNameAndVersion returning an ConfigPath and this calls projectPath or projectPathWithMaven and so on. Changing this order can result in problems.


ArCatch in 5 steps

  1. Basic Configuration

            .projectNameAndVersion("FooSys", "1.0")


            .projectNameAndVersion("FooSys", "1.0")
  2. Compartment Specification

    Compartment compA, compB, compE;
    compA = ArCatchAPI
    compB = ArCatchAPI
    compE = ArCatchAPI
  3. Anti-Erosion Design Rule Especification

    DesignRule AER01, AER02, AER03;
    AER01 = ArCatchAPI
    AER02 = ArCatchAPI
    AER03 = ArCatchAPI
  4. Anti-Drift Design Rule Especification

    DesignRule ADR01, ADR02, ADR03;
    ADR01 = ArCatchAPI
              .constrainedTo("(Ce/(Ce + Ca)) <= 0.3")
    ADR02 = ArCatchAPI
              .constrainedTo("NoEH > 0.0")
    ADR03 = ArCatchAPI
              .constrainedTo("NoDR > 0.0")
  5. Checking Rules



The solution architecture is a product of the quality attributes extracted from the requirements and business rules. The current architectural organization schema looks as follows:

External libraries dependencies:


Source Code Metrics Supported

ArCatch extracts 45 metrics from a software project's source code under analysis. This set is divided into two subsets of regular and exception handling-related metrics. The regular subset is composed of 19 classical metrics (see next). The EH-related subset, is composed of 26 metrics. Both sets of metrics (regular and exception handling-related) are used in the specification of anti-drift rules.

  1. Classical Metrics

    Metric Meaning
    WMC Weighted Methods per Class. It counts the number of branch instructions in a class.
    DIT Depth of Inheritance Tree. It counts the number of "fathers" a class has.
    NOC Number of Children. It conts the number of immediate sub-classes subordinated to a class in the class hierarchy.
    CBO Coupling Between Objects. It is a count of the number of non-inheritance related couples with other classes.
    RFC Response For Class. It counts the number of unique method invocations in a class.
    LCOM Lack of Cohesion of Methods v1. It measures the cohesiveness of a class.
    LCOM2 Lack of Cohesion of Methods v2. It measures the cohesiveness of a class.
    LCOM3 Lack of Cohesion of Methods v3. It measures the cohesiveness of a class.
    CCC Class Cyclomatic Complexity. It counts the Thomas J. McCabe's cyclomatic complexity of a class.
    LoC Lines of Code. It counts the number of lines of code of a class.
    NoI Number of Invovations. It counts the number of invocations performed by a class.
    NoM Number of Methods. It counts the number of methods of a class.
    NoPM Number of Public Methods. It counts the number of public methods of a class.
    NoA Number of Declared Attributes. It counts the number of declared attributes of a class.
    NoPA Number of Public Attributes. It counts the number of public attributes of a class.
    Ca Afferent Coupling. Is counts how many other classes use the specific class.
    Ce Efferent Coupling. It counts of how many different classes are used by the specific class.
    LMLoC Longest Method Lines of Code. It counts the lines of code of the longest method of a class.
    LPL Longest Parameter List. It counts the number of parameters of the method with the longest parameter list of a class.
  2. Exception Handling Metrics

    Metric Meaning
    ECC Exceptional Cyclomatic Complexity. It counts the sum of cyclomatic complexity inside try, catch, and finally blocks plus the number of throw and methods with throws of a class.
    TCC Try Block Cyclomatic Complexity. It computes the cyclomatic complexity inside a try block of a class.
    HCC Catch Block Cyclomatic Complexity. It computes the cyclomatic complexity inside a catch block of a class.
    FCC Finally Block Cyclomatic Complexity. It computes the cyclomatic complexity inside a finally block of a class.
    TFC Troubleness Factor per Class. It counts the number of methods called by a class that signals an exception back.
    TLoC Try Block Lines of Code. It counts the number of lines of code of all try blocks of a class.
    CLoC Catch Block Lines of Code. It counts the number of lines of code of all catch blocks of a class.
    FLoC Finally Block Lines of Code. It counts the number of lines of code of all finally blocks of a class.
    RCo Raising Coupling. It counts the number of different exceptions types raised (throw) by a class.
    SCo Signaling Coupling. It counts the number of different exceptions types signaled (throws) by a class.
    HCo Handling Coupling. It counts the number of different exceptions types handled (catch) by a class.
    NoR Number of Raisings. It counts the number of exceptions raised (throw) by a class.
    NoS Number of Signalings. It counts the number of exceptions signaled (throws) by a class.
    NoH Number of Handlings. It counts the number of exceptions handled (catch) by a class.
    NoCRN Number of Catch and Return Null. It counts the number of handlers that catches an exception an returns null.
    NoCA Number of Catch and Abort. It counts the number of handlers that catches an exception and exits.
    NoOC Number of Over-Catches. It counts the number of handlers that catches multiple exception types.
    NoOCA Number of Over-Catches and Abort. It counts the number of handlers that catches multiple exception types and exits.
    NoNPB Number of Nested Protected Blocks. It counts the number of protected block (try) declared inside an existent protected block.
    NoGH Number of Generic Handlings. It counts the number of general (Exception or Throwable) exceptions handled by a class.
    NoGS Number of Generic Signalings. It counts the number of general (Exception or Throwable) exceptions signaled by a class.
    NoEH Number of Empty Handlings. It counts the number of empty catch blocks of a class.
    NoDR Number of Destructive Remappings. It counts the number of exception type remappings that no preserving the exception stack trace.
    NoCI Number of Catch and Ignore. It counts the number of handlers who catches an exception and do not uses it anymore in the handler block.
    NoSF Number of Signalings in Finally Blocks. It counts the number of exception raisings in cleanup (finally) blocks.
    NoSKS Number of Signaling the Kitchen Sink. It counts the number of signaling methods that signals more then one exception type.