vladyushchenko / MDPVideoGeneration

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MDP for Video Generation

This repository contains code to reproduce results from paper Markov Decision Process for Video Generation


The project uses Python 3.6, PyTorch 0.4.1 and Torchvision 0.2.1

TensorFlow is optional, used only to calculate FVD scores.


Create a conda environment using:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Or install packages from requirements.

pip insatll -r requirements.txt

Optionally, you can install the package itself with the following command

python setup.py install

UCF-101 data extraction

1) download UCF-101 dataset from this website 2) unzip the archive to the target folder, which will contain raw UCF-101 videos. 3) generate train/test splits from ucfTrainTestlist. We use *01.txt splits per default.. Use mdp_video/transform/ucf_move_files.py script for that. 4) transform all video to separate images (you need to have FFmpeg installed). Use mdp_video/transform/ucf_extract_files.py script for that.

Launch templates for both scripts can be found in .run folder


For training, we provide mdp_video/launcher_template.sh template training script. As a rule, you just need to set dataset_root location to start training, but you can also try different configurations of training parameters.

Some parameters are pre-set to train specific MDP model with sigma=0.7 and beta=0.9, for more info, please refer to the paper or to train.py help to set your specific experiment.

Inference (generating videos and image)

python -m mdp_video.generate_videos
--model <path to generator checkpoint *.pytorch>
--output_format gif
--n_frames 64
--num_videos 50
--col_videos 10
--img_ext png

Reproducing metrics

To reproduce IS metrics, please refer to the https://github.com/pfnet-research/tgan repository. We include the normalization file, needed for the IS calculations.

To reproduce FVD and temporal metrics, use PyCharm configurations from .run folder or these commands directly

Temporal metrics

python -m mdp_video.metrics.temporal_metric
--model <path_to_model>
--location <optional_path_to_dataset>
--mode generator
--num_workers 0
--metric <psnr|dssim|ssim>
--calc_iter 256
--video_length 64

FVD from https://github.com/google-research/google-research/blob/master/frechet_video_distance/frechet_video_distance.py repo.

python -m mdp_video.metrics.frechet_video_distance.py
--model <path_to_model>
--mode generator
--dataset_loc <path_to_dataset>
--calc_iter 256
--seed 0
--num_workers 0
--video_length 64

Download links

Final model checkpoints are available here


The code is provided for research purposes only. (Apache 2.0)


If you find this paper useful in your research, please consider citing the paper

  title={Markov Decision Process for Video Generation},
  author={Vladyslav Yushchenko and Nikita Araslanov and Stefan Roth},
  journal={2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW)},