vlafranca / ngxAutocomPlace

Google Places Api Autocomplete Angular Directive
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ngxAutocomPlace : Angular Google Places API Autocomplete Directive

Add this directive to any input to activate the google places autocomplete feature.
It uses google place API programmatically instead of the ready to use autocomplete javascript widget provided by google. This allows to handle keydown.enter events to select the first result automatically, and access the predictions for further customisations.

Tested with :

Framwork Version
Angular 8 +
Ionic 4
Angular ngx-autocom-place
Angular 8 2.0.0
Angular 9 3.0.0
Angular 10 4.0.0


    npm i --save ngx-autocom-place

import NgxAutocomPlaceModule in your app module.


    <input type="text" ngxAutocomPlace (selectedPlace)="placeChangedCallback($event)"/>




Use to customise the autocomplete options. (optional) Default to :

    types: ["geocode"]

Format : https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-autocomplete-service#AutocompletionRequest


Emit selected place result.
Format : https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-service#PlaceResult


Emit predictions on user input. (optional) Format : https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-autocomplete-service#AutocompletePrediction


Set handler for enter key press event by user with first result selection from google predictions dropdown. (optional) Default: True


Set to true to not display the result dorpdown and handle predictions by your own. (optional) Default: False


Time to delay each input event (rxjs debounceTime) (optional) Default: 150 (ms)



getPlacePrediction implementation : https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-autocomplete-service#AutocompleteService.getPlacePredictions


getDetails implementation : https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/places-service#PlacesService.getDetails