vlarmet / cppRouting

Algorithms for Routing and Solving the Traffic Assignment Problem
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algorithm algorithm-b bidirectional-a-star-algorithm c-plus-plus contraction-hierarchies dijkstra-algorithm distance frank-wolfe isochrones parallel-computing r rcpp shortest-paths traffic-assignment

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cppRouting v3 : Algorithms for Routing and Solving the Traffic Assignment Problem

Vincent LARMET November 24, 2022

Package presentation

cppRouting is an R package which provide routing algorithms (shortest paths/distances, isochrones) and traffic assignment solvers on non-negative weighted graphs.
cppRouting is characterized by :

cppRouting is therefore particularly adapted for geographer, or whoever who need to calculate accessibility indicators at large scale.
All algorithms are written in C++ and mainly use containers from the Standard Template Library (STL).
This package have been made with Rcpp and RcppParallel packages.


Stable version from CRAN


or from github


What are we talking about ?

cppRouting implements algorithms belonging to graph theory, so let’s define what a graph is.
A graph is commonly used to represent a network, which is composed of vertices connected by edges.

In cppRouting, an edge has at least three attributes : vertice’s ID from which it start, vertice’s ID from which it end and a weight (length, flow, travel time …).

Readme Data

This README file and all time measurements were made on a Windows 10 computer, with 11th generation i5 (6 cores) processor and 32GB of memory.
The data presented here is the official french road network describing over 500000 km of roads.
All data used in this README are free and can be downloaded here :

Graph data have been preprocessed for more readability (see data_preparation.R).

The final graph is composed of 234615 nodes and 685118 edges.
Data has to be a 3 columns data.frame or matrix containing from, to and a cost/distance column. Here the cost is the time needed to travel in each edges (in minutes). From and to are vertices IDs (character or numeric).


#Reading french road data
roads  <-  read.csv("roads.csv",colClasses = c("character","character","numeric"))
#Shapefile data of communes (polygons)
com  <-  read_sf("com_simplified_geom.shp")
#Correspondance file between communes and nodes in the graph (nearest node to each commune centroid)
ndcom  <-  read.csv("node_commune.csv",colClasses = c("character","character","numeric"))
#General practitioners locations
med  <-  read.csv("doctor.csv",colClasses = c("character","numeric","character","numeric"))
#Import materinty ward locations
maternity  <-  read.csv("maternity.csv",colClasses = c("character","numeric"))
#Commuting data from national census
#Import nodes coordinates (projected in EPSG : 2154)
coord  <-  read.csv("coordinates.csv",colClasses = c("character","numeric","numeric"))

Head of road network data

##   from     to    weight
## 1    0 224073 0.4028571
## 2    1  65036 3.5280000
## 3    2 173723 1.8480000
## 4    3      2 2.5440000
## 5    4 113129 4.9680000
## 6    5      4 1.6680000

Head of coordinates data

##   ID        X       Y
## 1  0 805442.8 6458384
## 2  1 552065.9 6790520
## 3  2 556840.2 6790475
## 4  3 554883.7 6790020
## 5  4 548345.2 6791000
## 6  5 547141.3 6790434

Set the number of threads used by cppRouting

RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = 1)

Instantiate the graph

#Instantiate a graph with coordinates
graph  <-  makegraph(roads, directed = T, coords = coord)

Graph object have some useful attributes for the user :

Other attributes are internals data and have no interest for the user. All graph attributes should never be modified by the user.

Main functions

cppRouting package provide these functions :


As the package name suggest, cppRouting is initially aimed to provide efficient algorithms for finding shortest paths.


Path algorithms proposed by the package are :

1, 2, 3 and 4 are available for one-to-one calculation in get_distance_pair and get_path_pair functions on a non-contracted graph. In these functions, uni-directional Dijkstra algorithm is stopped when the destination node is reached.
A* and NBA* are relevant if geographic coordinates of all nodes are provided. Note that coordinates should be expressed in a projection system.
To be accurate and efficient, A* and NBA* algorithms should use an admissible heuristic function (here the Euclidean distance), i.e cost and heuristic function must be expressed in the same unit.
In cppRouting, heuristic function h for a node (n) is defined such that :
h(n,d) = ED(n,d) / k with h the heuristic, ED the Euclidean distance, d the destination node and a constant k.
So in the case where coordinates are expressed in meters and cost is expressed in time, k is the maximum speed allowed on the road. By default, constant is 1 and is designed for graphs with cost expressed in the same unit than coordinates (for example in meters).
If coordinates cannot be provided, bi-directional Dijkstra algorithm is the best option in terms of performance.

5 is used for one-to-one calculation in get_distance_pair and get_path_pair functions on a contracted graph.

1 is used for one-to-many calculation in get_distance_matrix function on a non-contracted graph.

6 and 7 are available for one-to-many calculation in get_distance_matrix function on a contracted graph.

Let’s compare different path algorithms in terms of performance.
For A* and NBA algorithms, coordinates are defined in meters and max speed is 110km/h; so for the heuristic function to be admissible, we have to convert meters to minutes by setting constant to 110/0.06 :

#Generate 2000 random origin and destination nodes
origin  <-  sample(graph$dict$ref,  2000)
destination  <-  sample(graph$dict$ref,  2000)
microbenchmark(dijkstra=pair_dijkstra  <-  get_distance_pair(graph, origin, destination, algorithm = "Dijkstra"), 
               bidir=pair_bidijkstra  <-  get_distance_pair(graph, origin, destination, algorithm = "bi"), 
               astar=pair_astar  <-  get_distance_pair(graph, origin, destination, algorithm = "A*", constant = 110/0.06), 
               nba=pair_nba  <-  get_distance_pair(graph, origin, destination, algorithm = "NBA", constant = 110/0.06), 
## Unit: seconds
##      expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
##  dijkstra 28.648378 28.648378 28.648378 28.648378 28.648378 28.648378     1
##     bidir 22.463780 22.463780 22.463780 22.463780 22.463780 22.463780     1
##     astar 19.207150 19.207150 19.207150 19.207150 19.207150 19.207150     1
##       nba  9.976939  9.976939  9.976939  9.976939  9.976939  9.976939     1


##      pair_dijkstra pair_bidijkstra pair_astar pair_nba
## [1,]      258.4616        258.4616   258.4616 258.4616
## [2,]      464.5499        464.5499   464.5499 464.5499
## [3,]      294.5504        294.5504   294.5504 294.5504
## [4,]      302.7190        302.7190   302.7190 302.7190
## [5,]      120.1393        120.1393   120.1393 120.1393
## [6,]      578.0233        578.0233   578.0233 578.0233

So, how to choose the algorithm ? It’s simple, the faster, the better. If coordinates are provided, go for NBA, else go for bidirectional Dijkstra. Uni-directional Dijkstra and A* algorithms should be used if main memory is (almost) full because they require only one graph instead of two (forward and backward).

Compute isochrones

An isochrone is a set of nodes reachable from a node within a fixed limit.
Let’s compute isochrones around Dijon city

#Compute isochrones
iso  <-  get_isochrone(graph, from = "205793", lim = c(15, 25, 45, 60, 90, 120))
#Convert nodes to concave polygons with concaveman package
poly  <-  lapply(iso[[1]], function(x){
  x  <-  data.frame(noeuds=x, stringsAsFactors = F)
  x  <-  left_join(x, coord, by=c("noeuds"="ID"))
  return(concaveman(summarise(st_as_sf(x, coords=c("X", "Y"), crs=2154))))

poly  <-  do.call(rbind, poly)
poly$time  <-  as.factor(names(iso[[1]]))
poly2  <-  st_cast(poly, "MULTIPOLYGON")
poly2$time  <-  reorder(poly2$time, c(120, 90, 60, 45, 25, 15))
#Reproject for plotting
poly2  <-  st_transform(poly2, "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
#Import map backgroung

dijon   <-   get_stamenmap(bbox = c(left = 1.708, 
                             bottom = 45.126, 
                             right = 8.003, 
                             top = 49.232),  maptype = "toner-2010",  zoom = 7)
#Plot the map
p  <-  ggmap(dijon)+
  geom_sf(data=poly2, aes(fill=time), alpha=.8, inherit.aes = FALSE)+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "YlOrRd")+
  ggtitle("Isochrones around Dijon")+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
        axis.text.y = element_blank(), 
        axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
        axis.title.y=element_blank(), axis.title.x=element_blank())

Compute possible detours within a fixed additional cost

get_detour function returns all reachable nodes within a fixed detour time around the shortest path between origin and destination nodes. Returned nodes (n) meet the following condition :
SP(o,n) + SP(n,d) \< SP(o,d) + t
with SP shortest distance/time, o the origin node, d the destination node and t the extra cost.
The algorithm used is a slightly modified bidirectional Dijkstra.
Let’s see an example for the path between Dijon and Lyon city :

#Compute shortest path
trajet <- get_path_pair(graph,from="205793",to="212490")

#Compute shortest path
distance <- get_distance_pair(graph,from="205793",to="212490")

#Compute detour time of 25 and 45 minutes
det25 <- get_detour(graph,from="205793",to="212490",extra=25)
det45 <- get_detour(graph,from="205793",to="212490",extra=45)

#Create sf object of nodes
pts <- st_as_sf(coord,coords=c("X","Y"),crs=2154)
pts <- st_transform(pts,crs=4326)
pts$time <- ifelse(pts$ID %in% unlist(det45),"45","0")
pts$time <- ifelse(pts$ID %in% unlist(det25),"25",pts$time)
pts$time <- ifelse(pts$ID %in% unlist(trajet),"Shortest Path",pts$time)
pts$time <- factor(pts$time,levels = c("25","45","Shortest Path","0"))

dijon   <-   get_stamenmap(bbox = c(left = 3.2, 
                             bottom = 45.126, 
                             right = 6.5, 
                             top = 47.8),  maptype = "toner-2010",  zoom = 8)

p <- ggmap(dijon)+
  geom_sf(data=pts[pts$time!="0",],aes(color=time),inherit.aes = FALSE)+
  ggtitle(paste0("Detours around Dijon-lyon path - ",round(distance,digits = 2)," minutes"))+
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),

Contraction hierarchies

Contraction hierarchies is a speed-up technique for finding shortest path on a network. It was proposed by Geisberger & al.(2008).
Initially created for one-to-one queries, it has been extended to many-to-many and distance matrix calculation.
This technique is composed of two phases:

Contraction phase consists of iteratively removing a vertex v from the graph and creating a shortcut for each pair (u,w) of v’s neighborhood if the shortest path from u to w contains v. To be efficient and avoid creating too much shortcuts, vertices have to be ordered according to several heuristics. The two heuristics used by cppRouting are :

The nodes are initially ordered using only edge difference, then importance of v is lazily updated during contraction phase with the combined two heuristics. To see more detailed explanations, see these ressources :

#Contraction of input graph
graph3 <- cpp_contract(graph, silent=TRUE)

#Calculate distances on the contracted graph
  pair_ch <- get_distance_pair(graph3, origin, destination)
## utilisateur     système      écoulé 
##        0.27        0.01        0.28

Compare outputs

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##       0       0       0       0       0       0      38

Performance comparison

Distance by pair

Here are the measurements of contraction time and query time (in second) of contraction hierarchies on different graphs :

Number of queries
Graph Vertices Edges preprocessing algorithm 1000 2000 5000 10000 100000 1000000
ROUTE 500 234615 685118 14 ch 0.22 0.25 0.44 0.64 4.60 45.86
ROUTE 500 234615 685118 14 bi 11.00 22.00 55.00 110.00 1100.00 11000.00
ROUTE 500 234615 685118 14 nba 5.05 10.10 25.25 50.50 505.00 5050.00
OSM France 4559270 10389741 154 ch 4.08 3.92 4.66 5.11 18.20 147.05
OSM France 4559270 10389741 154 bi 309.40 618.80 1547.00 3094.00 30940.00 309400.00
OSM France 4559270 10389741 154 nba 144.80 289.60 724.00 1448.00 14480.00 144800.00
OSM Europe 16210743 36890020 536 ch 13.44 13.61 14.50 15.91 35.14 227.22
OSM Europe 16210743 36890020 536 bi 1159.20 2318.40 5796.00 11592.00 115920.00 1159200.00
OSM Europe 16210743 36890020 536 nba 630.60 1261.20 3153.00 6306.00 63060.00 630600.00
ch : bidirectional search on the contracted graph
bi : bidirectional search on the original graph
nba : new bidirectional A\* on the original graph

Here are the plots (in log-log) of query time improvement factor of one to one CH algorithm compared to bidirectional Dijkstra and NBA :

As we can see on the plot, the larger is the graph, the higher is the benefit of using contraction hierarchies. For OSM Europe, query time can be faster by a factor of 5000 compared to bidirectional Dijkstra and 2500 to NBA.

Distance matrix

Here are the measurements of query time (in second) of contraction hierarchies on different graphs.
We compare PHAST and many to many CH to Dijkstra algorithm on square matrix (i.e the sets of source and target nodes are of equal length).

Graph algorithm 1000 2000 5000 10000
ROUTE 500 mch 0.64 1.31 5.19 19.31
ROUTE 500 phast 4.21 8.42 21.05 42.10
ROUTE 500 Dijkstra 27.45 54.90 137.25 274.50
OSM France mch 11.15 18.66 46.13 102.18
OSM France phast 100.50 201.00 502.50 1005.00
OSM France Dijkstra 781.50 1563.00 3907.50 7815.00
OSM Europe mch 39.17 64.50 144.39 291.28
OSM Europe phast 460.00 920.00 2300.00 4600.00
OSM Europe Dijkstra 2886.40 5772.80 14432.00 28864.00
mch : many-to-many bidirectional search on the contracted graph
phast : phast algorithm on the contracted graph
Dijkstra : Dijkstra search on the original graph
\|S\| : number of source nodes
\|T\| : number of target nodes

Here are the plots (in log-log) of query time improvement factor of PHAST and many to many CH compared to Dijkstra algorithm :

Benefits are less important than one-to-one queries but still interesting. For OSM Europe, query time can be faster by a factor of 100.
PHAST’s improvement is constant since it iteratively perform an
one-to-all* search, just like original Dijkstra.
many to many CH is well adapted for
square matrix**.

Here are the plots of query time of PHAST and many to many CH on assymetric matrix (i.e. number of source and number of target are unequal) with |S| / |T| the number of sources divided by the number of targets :

Note that this plot is the same for |T| / |S|.
PHAST algorithm is much faster for rectangular matrix. The rate |S| / |T| where many to many CH is better varies according the graph size. For example, if we have to calculate a distance matrix between 10000 sources and 10 targets (or 10 sources and 10000 targets) on OSM France, we must use PHAST. On the other hand, if we want a matrix of 10000 sources and 8000 targets, we use many to many CH algorithm.

Work with dual weighted network

Sometimes it can be useful to sum up additional weights along the shortest path. For a use-case example, let’s say we want to compute the distance along the shortest time path or the time needed to travel the shortest distance path. It is now possible to set an auxiliary set of edge weights during graph construction in makegraph() function and set aggregate_aux to TRUE in get_distance_* functions.
Let’s see an example where we would like to compute the number of edges within each shortest path :

# The weight to be minimized is set in 'df' argument. Additional weights are set in "aux"
# We set auxiliary weights to 1 in order to count number of edge in shortest paths
dgr <- makegraph(df = roads, directed = TRUE, coords = coord, aux = 1) 

# Compute number of edge
hops <- get_distance_pair(Graph = dgr, from = origin, to = destination, aggregate_aux = TRUE)

# plot
dfp <- data.frame(n_edges = hops, travel_time = pair_nba)
p <- ggplot(dfp, aes(x = travel_time, y = n_edges))+
  labs(x = "Travel time (min)", y = "Number of edge")+

Note that this functionality work for contracted graphs as well.

Network simplification

cpp_simplify’s internal function performs two major steps :

In order to remove maximum number of nodes, some iterations are needed until only intersection nodes are remained.

Let’s see a small example :

#Create directed graph

#Plotting with igraph

plot.igraph(igr1,edge.arrow.size=.3,main="Original graph")

#Instantiate cppRouting graph, then simplify without iterations
graph_ex<-makegraph(edges,directed = TRUE)
simp<-cpp_simplify(graph_ex,rm_loop = FALSE)
#Convert graph to df

#Plotting simplified graph
plot(igr2,edge.arrow.size=.3,edge.label=E(igr2)$dist,main="One iteration - keeping loop")

Here, junction nodes are e, h, d, k, l, i and m. So b, c, f and n have been contracted in the first step of the function. By contracting n, an edge with cost of 2 has been created between m and l nodes.
The second step of the function has removed this edge which is greater than the original one (i.e 1), and the whole process now need a second iteration to remove m and l that aren’t intersection nodes anymore.
Let’s try with iterate argument set to TRUE :

#Simplify with iterations
simp2<-cpp_simplify(graph_ex,rm_loop = FALSE,iterate = TRUE)
plot(igr3,edge.arrow.size=.3,edge.label=E(igr3)$dist,main="Second iteration - keeping loop")

#The same but removing loops
simp3<-cpp_simplify(graph_ex,rm_loop = TRUE,iterate = TRUE)

plot(igr4,edge.arrow.size=.3,edge.label=E(igr4)$dist,main="Second iteration - removing loop")

French road network simplification

#Simplify original graph by keeping nodes of interest
                     iterate = TRUE,
                     keep = unique(c(origin,destination))) #we don't want to remove origin and destination nodes

#Running NBA*
  pair_nba_2<-get_distance_pair(graph2,origin,destination,algorithm = "NBA",constant = 110/0.06)
## utilisateur     système      écoulé 
##        8.12        0.01        8.14
Compare outputs
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
##       0       0       0       0       0       0      38

Running time

Here are running times in second on graphs of different sizes :

OpenStreetMap data have been extracted with osm2po tool, which I highly recommend.

Network Nodes Edges Runtime without iterations Removed nodes in first iteration Runtime with iterations Number of iteration Total removed nodes Removed nodes percentage
README data 234,615 685,118 0.47 39,737 0.51 4 41,843 17.83
OSM France 4,559,270 10,389,741 6.73 818,096 11.62 9 842,252 18.47
OSM ‘Europe’ 16,210,743 36,890,020 27.94 3,365,240 46.47 11 3,465,724 21.38

Traffic assignment

Traffic assignment models are used to estimate the traffic flows on a network. It take as input origin-destinations matrix describing volume between each OD pair.
For this part, we will use standard networks massively used in traffic modelling studies : Siouxfalls and Chicago networks (source).
Let’s import Siouxfalls. It is composed of 24 nodes and 76 links.

net <- read.csv("siouxfalls_net.csv")
##   Init.node Term.node  Capacity Length Free.Flow.Time    B Power Speed.limit
## 1         1         2 25900.201      6              6 0.15     4           0
## 2         1         3 23403.473      4              4 0.15     4           0
## 3         2         1 25900.201      6              6 0.15     4           0
## 4         2         6  4958.181      5              5 0.15     4           0
## 5         3         1 23403.473      4              4 0.15     4           0
## 6         3         4 17110.524      4              4 0.15     4           0
##   Toll Type
## 1    0    1
## 2    0    1
## 3    0    1
## 4    0    1
## 5    0    1
## 6    0    1

We also have OD matrix as well :

trips <- read.csv("siouxfalls_trips.csv")
##   from to demand
## 1    1  2    100
## 2    1  3    100
## 3    1  4    500
## 4    1  5    200
## 5    1  6    300
## 6    1  7    500

All-or-Nothing (AON)

All-or-Nothing assignment (AON) is the most simplistic (and fastest) method to load flow on a network, since it assume there is no congestion effects. The assignment algorithm itself is the procedure that loads the origin-destination matrix to the shortest path trees and produces the flows.
In cppRouting, OD matrix is represented as 3 vectors of equal length :

Let’s load flows on the network using get_aon() function :

sgr <- makegraph(df = net[,c("Init.node", "Term.node", "Free.Flow.Time")], directed = TRUE) 

# Compute AON assignment using OD trips
aon <- get_aon(Graph = sgr, from = trips$from, to = trips$to, demand = trips$demand)
##   from to cost  flow
## 1    1  2    6  3800
## 2    1  3    4  6000
## 3    2  1    6  3800
## 4    2  6    5  6600
## 5    3  1    4  6000
## 6    3  4    4 10200
g <- graph_from_data_frame(aon[,c("from", "to", "flow")], directed = TRUE)
c_scale <- colorRamp(c('#60AF66', 'yellow', 'red'))
maxflow <- max(c(aon$flow))

E(g)$color = apply(c_scale(aon$flow/maxflow), 1, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,x[2]/255,x[3]/255) )
plot(g, edge.width = net$Capacity/2000, edge.arrow.size = 0, main = "AON assignment")
box(col = "black")

get_aon work also for contracted networks.

Choosing the best routing algorithm

Computing time is directly linked to shortest paths calculations. The user has the choice between two kind of routing algorithms, depending the sparsity of OD matrix. By default, algorithm argument is set to bidirectional Dijkstra. Just like get_*_pair functions, it run length(from) times routing algorithm for finding each OD pair’s shortest path. If OD matrix is dense, recursive one-to-many methods like Dijkstra algorithm would be preferred.
Given an origin node, bidirectional Dijkstra et NBA* algorithms are on average 2 and 5 times faster than Dijkstra algorithm, respectively.

This rule-of-thumb apply also when the network have been contracted using cpp_contract function. phast algorithm is for matrix-like shortest paths calculation, and bi is pairwise. In that case, bi algorithm is 200 times faster than phast for a given node.

For resuming :

User Equilibrium (UE)

The term “User Equilibrium” is used to describe a route choice assumption formally proposed by Wardrop :
“The journey times on all the routes actually used are equal and less than those which would be experienced by a single vehicle on any unused routes”.
Note that this principle follows directly from the assumptions that drivers choose minimum time paths, and are well-informed about network conditions.

Unlike AON assignment, this more realistic way to assign flows on a network take into account congestion effect. In this paradigm, the cost of a given link is dependent of the flow on it.

As an example, let’s assume 3000 commuters going from one node to another connected by two links. The User equilibrium is illustrated on this figure (source):

The relation between cost and flow is called volume decay function and is written as :

t = t\_{0}.(1+\\alpha.(\\frac{v}{c})^{\\beta})
with t the cost, t\_{0} the free-flow cost, v the flow (or volume), c the link capacity and \\alpha, \\beta unitless parameters.

Traffic Assignment Problem (TAP) is a convex optimization problem solved by iterative algorithms. The relative gap is the metric to minimize and is written as :

gap=\|(\\frac{TSTT}{SPTT}) - 1\|

Total System Travel Time is written as TSTT = \\sum\_{x \\in E} v\_{x}.t\_{x}(v\_{x})
Shortest Path Travel Time is written as SPTT = \\sum\_{x \\in E} \\hat{v}\_{x}.t\_{x}(v\_{x})
With E the set of edge in the network, v the volume or flow, t the cost, \\hat{v} the flow estimated by All-or-Nothing assignment.

Link-based algorithms

These methods use the descent direction given by AON assignment at each iteration. All links are updated simultaneously using descent direction and a step size parameter \\theta.

Link-based algorithms implemented in cppRouting are, in increasing order of complexity :

By going down through that list, we slightly increase computing time in each iteration but we will need less iterations to reach a given gap.
Let’s equilibrate traffic within our small network, first we need to construct the network with important parameters : capacity, alpha and beta.

For these algorithms, 99% of computation time is done within AON assignment.

sgr <- makegraph(df = net[,c("Init.node", "Term.node", "Free.Flow.Time")], 
                 directed = TRUE,
                 capacity = net$Capacity,
                 alpha = net$B,
                 beta = net$Power)

traffic <- assign_traffic(Graph = sgr,  from = trips$from, to = trips$to, demand = trips$demand, 
                          max_gap = 1e-6, algorithm = "bfw", verbose = FALSE)

## [1] 0.0000009230227

Returned data contains the equilibrated network with the following edge attributes :

##   from to ftt     cost      flow  capacity alpha beta
## 1    1  2   6 6.000779  4442.890 25900.201  0.15    4
## 2    1  3   4 4.008658  8111.525 23403.473  0.15    4
## 3    2  1   6 6.000829  4511.531 25900.201  0.15    4
## 4    2  6   5 6.545270  5940.297  4958.181  0.15    4
## 5    3  1   4 4.008369  8042.884 23403.473  0.15    4
## 6    3  4   4 4.262114 13910.673 17110.524  0.15    4

Now, we can plot the result with line size varying with road capacity and the color with flow.

g <- graph_from_data_frame(aon[,c("from", "to", "flow")], directed = TRUE)
c_scale <- colorRamp(c('#60AF66', 'yellow', 'red'))
maxflow <- max(c(aon$flow, traffic$data$flow))

#Applying the color scale to edge weights.
#rgb method is to convert colors to a character vector.
E(g)$color = apply(c_scale(aon$flow/maxflow), 1, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,x[2]/255,x[3]/255) )
plot(g, edge.width = traffic$data$capacity/2000, edge.arrow.size = 0, main = "AON assignment")
box(col = "black")

g <- graph_from_data_frame(traffic$data[,c("from", "to", "flow")], directed = TRUE)
E(g)$color = apply(c_scale(traffic$data$flow/maxflow), 1, function(x) rgb(x[1]/255,x[2]/255,x[3]/255) )
plot(g, edge.width = traffic$data$capacity/2000, edge.arrow.size = 0, main = "Flows at equilibrium")
box(col = "black")

Bush-based algorithms

cppRouting also propose a bush-based algorithm called Algorithm B from R.B. Dial (2006).
The problem is decomposed into sub-problems, corresponding to each origin of the OD matrix, that operate on acyclic sub-networks of the original transportation network, called bushes. Link flows are shifted from the longest path to the shortest path recursively within each bush using Newton method. Unlike link-based algorithm, Algorithm B can achieve very precise solution by minimizing relative gap down to 1e-16.

The main steps of the procedure are :


For each bush :

For each bush :

We compute AON assignment and relative gap.

For detailed explanations of Algorithm B, please see this course (part 1, part 2).

Important note : computation time for algorithm-B is depending of the number of origin node AND AON assignment.

Algorithm B is used by setting dial to algorithm argument :

traffic <- assign_traffic(Graph = sgr,  from = trips$from, to = trips$to, demand = trips$demand, 
                          max_gap = 1e-6, algorithm = "dial", verbose = TRUE)
## Bushes initialization...
## Iterating...
## iteration 1 : 0.05019
## iteration 2 : 0.0152742
## iteration 3 : 0.00363109
## iteration 4 : 0.000592523
## iteration 5 : 0.000106401
## iteration 6 : 3.00525e-05
## iteration 7 : 3.5758e-05
## iteration 8 : 1.21886e-05
## iteration 9 : 6.67853e-06
## iteration 10 : 1.659e-06
## iteration 11 : 2.34866e-07
## [1] 0.000000234866

Performance comparison

Now, let’s measure performance of Traffic assignment algorithms on a larger road network. We use Chicago network, composed of 12982 nodes and 39018 edges.

net <- read.csv("chicagoregional_net.csv")
##   from    to capacity length ftime    B power speed toll type
## 1    1 10293   100000   0.45     0 0.15     4    25    0    3
## 2    2 10294   100000   0.50     0 0.15     4    25    0    3
## 3    3 10295   100000   0.39     0 0.15     4    25    0    3
## 4    4 10296   100000   0.58     0 0.15     4    25    0    3
## 5    5 10297   100000   0.50     0 0.15     4    25    0    3
## 6    6 10298   100000   0.58     0 0.15     4    25    0    3

OD matrix contains 2,297,945 trips.

trips <- read.csv("chicagoregional_trips.csv")
##   from to demand
## 1    1  1  28.94
## 2    1  2  16.58
## 3    1  3   2.01
## 4    1  4  13.99
## 5    1  5   4.90
## 6    1  6   5.10

Since All-or-Nothing algorithm will be called multiple times, we have to choose the fastest AON assignment algorithm.

# Construct graph with link attributes
sgr <- makegraph(df = net[,c("from", "to", "ftime")], directed = TRUE,
                 capacity = net$capacity, alpha = net$B, beta = net$power)

# benchmark using all cores. We don't test NBA* because we don't have node coordinates
RcppParallel::setThreadOptions(numThreads = parallel::detectCores())

  pairwise = pw <- get_aon(Graph = sgr, from = trips$from, to = trips$to, demand = trips$demand, algorithm = "bi"),
  matrixlike = ml <- get_aon(Graph = sgr, from = trips$from, to = trips$to, demand = trips$demand, algorithm = "d"),
  times = 1
## Unit: seconds
##        expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
##    pairwise 75.414786 75.414786 75.414786 75.414786 75.414786 75.414786     1
##  matrixlike  1.411425  1.411425  1.411425  1.411425  1.411425  1.411425     1

By setting matrix-like AON calculation, we speed up computation time by a factor of 50 for link-based methods.

sgr <- makegraph(df = net[,c("from", "to", "ftime")], directed = TRUE,
                 capacity = net$capacity, alpha = net$B, beta = net$power)

# we set 5 minutes for each algorithm (about 600 iterations for link-based, and 20 for algorithm-b)
## capture console output for plotting
outs <- list()
times <- list()
for (i in c("msa", "fw", "cfw", "bfw", "dial")){
  max_it <- 600
  if (i == "dial"){
    max_it <- 20

  stdout <- vector(mode = "character")
  con    <- textConnection('stdout', 'wr', local = TRUE)
  st <- system.time(
  traffic <- assign_traffic(Graph = sgr,  from = trips$from, to = trips$to, demand = trips$demand, 
                          max_gap = 1e-6, algorithm = i, aon_method = "d", verbose = TRUE, max_it = max_it)
  outs[[i]] <- stdout
  times[[i]] <- st

# Plotting gap vs time

dfp <- list()
for (i in c("msa", "fw", "cfw", "bfw", "dial")){
  out <- outs[[i]]
  out <- out[grepl("iteration", out)]
  out <- sapply(strsplit(out, " : "), function(x) as.numeric(x[2]))

  df <- data.frame(gap = out, time = 1:length(out)  * (times[[i]][1]/length(out)), algo = i)
  dfp[[i]] <- df
dfp <- do.call(rbind, dfp)

p <- ggplot(dfp, aes(x = time, y = gap, colour = algo))+
  geom_line(size = 1)+
  labs(x = "Time(second)", y = "Relative gap (log10 scale)", colour = "Algorithm")+
  scale_color_hue(labels = c("Bi-Conjugate FW", "Conjugate FW", "Algorithm B", "Frank-Wole", "MSA"))


Algorithm B could achieve very small gap within an reasonable amount of time, while link-based methods seems to converge much more slowly.
For achieving highly precise solutions, algorithm B should be implemented. However, algorithm B generally use more memory than link-based methods, depending network size and OD matrix. On the other hand, link-based method may have a higher benefit through parallel computing since computation time is mainly due to AON assignment.

Note : network can be contracted “on-the-fly” at each iteration to speed-up AON calculation, by setting cphast or cbi in aon_method argument.

Algorithm compatibility

Here is a table summarizing cppRouting functions compatibility with network nature (contracted, simplified, normal).

Functions contracted simplified
assign_traffic no yes
get_aon yes yes
get_detour no yes
get_distance_matrix - one weight yes yes
get_distance_matrix - two weights yes no
get_distance_pair - one weight yes yes
get_distance_pair - two weights yes no
get_isochrone no yes
get_multi_paths no yes
get_path_pair yes yes

Parallel implementation

Now a table summarizing cppRouting functions compatibility with parallel computing.

Functions multithreaded
makegraph no
cpp_contract no
cpp_simplify no
assign_traffic - link-based yes
assign_traffic - bush-based partly
get_aon yes
get_detour yes
get_distance_matrix yes
get_distance_pair yes
get_isochrone yes
get_multi_paths yes
get_path_pair yes


Except application 4, all indicators are calculated at the country scale but for the limited R’s ability to plot large shapefile, only one region is mapped.

Application 1 : Calculate Two Step Floating Catchment Areas (2SFCA) of general practitioners in France

2SFCA method is explained here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-step_floating_catchment_area_method

First step
Isochrones are calculated with the cppRouting function get_isochrone

#Isochrone around doctor locations with time limit of 15 minutes
                   from = ndcom[ndcom$com %in% med$CODGEO,"id_noeud"],
                   lim = 15,
                   keep=ndcom$id_noeud, #return only commune nodes
                   long = TRUE) #data.frame output
#Joining and summing population located in each isochrone
df<-iso %>% group_by(origin) %>%
#Joining number of doctors 
#Calculate ratios

Second step

#Isochrone around each commune with time limit of 15 minutes (few seconds to compute)
                    lim = 15,
#Joining and summing ratios calculated in first step
df2<-df2 %>% group_by(origin) %>%

Plot the map for Bourgogne-Franche-Comte region

#Joining commune IDs to nodes
#Joining 2SFCA to shapefile
#Plot for one region
p<-tm_shape(com[com$NOM_REG=="BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE",]) + 
  tm_fill(col = "sfca",style="cont")+
  tm_layout(main.title="2SFCA applied to general practitioners",legend.outside=TRUE)

Application 2 : Calculate the minimum travel time to the closest maternity ward in France

Shortest travel time matrix
The shortest travel time is computed with the cppRouting function get_distance_matrix. In order to compute multiple distances from one source, original uni-directional Dijkstra algorithm is ran without early stopping.
We compute travel time from all commune nodes to all maternity ward nodes (i.e \~36000*400 distances).

#Distance matrix on contracted graph
                           to=ndcom$id_noeud[ndcom$com %in% maternity$CODGEO],
                           algorithm = "phast")#because of the rectangular shape of the matrix
#We extract each minimum travel time for all the communes
#Joining commune IDs to nodes
#Joining minimum travel time to the shapefile

Plot the map of minimum travel time in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte region

p<-tm_shape(com[com$NOM_REG=="BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE",]) + 
  tm_fill(col = "mindist",style="cont",palette="Greens",title="Minutes")+
  tm_layout(main.title="Travel time to the closest maternity ward",legend.outside=T)

Application 3 : Calculate average commuting time to go to job in France

Commuting data from national census is composed of 968794 unique pairs of origin - destination locations (home municipality, job municipality). Using other R packages like igraph or dodgr, we would have to calculate the whole matrix between all communes (36000 x 36000). We would end with a 10Gb matrix whereas we only need 0.075% of the result (968794/(36000 x 36000)).
So this example illustrate the advantage of calculating distance by pair.

#Merge node to communes
cmt<-cmt[!is.na(cmt$node1) & !is.na(cmt$node2),]

#Calculate distance for each pair using contracted graph

#Mean weighted by the flow of each pair
traveltime<-traveltime %>% group_by(CODGEO) %>% summarise(time=weighted.mean(dist,flux,na.rm=T))

Plot the map of average travel time of Bourgogne-Franche-Comte inhabitants

#Merge to shapefile

p<-tm_shape(com[com$NOM_REG=="BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE",]) +
  tm_fill(col = "time",style="quantile",n=5,title="Minutes",palette="Reds")+
  tm_layout(main.title="Average travel time",legend.outside=TRUE)

Application 4 : Calculate the flow of people crossing each municipality in the context of commuting in Bourgogne-Franche-Comte region

First, we must determine in which commune each node is located.

#Convert nodes coordinates to spatial points
pts<-st_as_sf(coord,coords = c("X","Y"),crs=2154)
## Warning: st_crs<- : replacing crs does not reproject data; use st_transform for
## that
#Spatial join commune ID to each node
#Vector of commune IDs of Bourgogne-Franche-Comte region
#Calculate shortest paths for all commuters on the contracted graph
                         keep = spjoin$ID[spjoin$INSEE_COM %in% comBourg],#return only the nodes in Bourgogne Franche-Comte because of memory usage
                         long = TRUE)#return a long data.frame instead of a list

#Joining commune ID to each traveled node

If a commuter crosses multiple nodes in a municipality, we count it only once.

#Remove duplicated 

#Joining flow per each commuter

#Aggregating flows by each commune
shortPath<-shortPath %>% group_by(INSEE_COM) %>% summarise(flow=sum(flux))

Plot the flow of people crossing Bourgogne-Franche-Comte’s communes

#Merge to shapefile

p<-tm_shape(com[com$NOM_REG=="BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE",]) + 
  tm_fill(col = "flow",style="quantile",n=10,palette="Blues")+
  tm_layout(main.title="Commuters flow",legend.outside=TRUE)

Benchmark with other R packages

To show the efficiency of cppRouting, we can make some benchmarking with the famous R package igraph, and the dodgr package. Estimation of the User Equilibrium cannot be compared because of the absence of this kind of algorithm within R landscape (to my knowledge).

Distance matrix : one core

#Sampling 1000 random origin/destination nodes (1000000 distances to compute)
origin<-sample(unique(roads$from),1000,replace = F)
destination<-sample(unique(roads$from),1000,replace = F)
#igraph graph
graph_igraph<-graph_from_data_frame(roads,directed = TRUE)

#dodgr graph


microbenchmark(igraph=test_igraph<-distances(graph_igraph,origin,to=destination,weights = E(graph_igraph)$weight,mode="out"),
               contr_mch=test_mch<-get_distance_matrix(graph3,origin,destination,algorithm = "mch"),
               contr_phast=test_phast<-get_distance_matrix(graph3,origin,destination,algorithm = "phast"),
               unit = 's')
## Unit: seconds
##         expr       min        lq      mean    median        uq       max neval
##       igraph 64.924762 64.924762 64.924762 64.924762 64.924762 64.924762     1
##        dodgr 79.129622 79.129622 79.129622 79.129622 79.129622 79.129622     1
##   cpprouting 28.453509 28.453509 28.453509 28.453509 28.453509 28.453509     1
##    contr_mch  0.637912  0.637912  0.637912  0.637912  0.637912  0.637912     1
##  contr_phast  4.360011  4.360011  4.360011  4.360011  4.360011  4.360011     1

Even if we add the preprocessing time (i.e. 14s) to the query time, the whole process of contraction hierarchies is still faster.


##            [,1]     [,2]     [,3]     [,4]     [,5]
## 151604 442.6753 442.6753 442.6753 442.6753 442.6753
## 111317 415.5493 415.6265 415.5493 415.5493 415.5493
## 212122 344.0450 344.0450 344.0450 344.0450 344.0450
## 215162 340.6700 340.6700 340.6700 340.6700 340.6700
## 159720 385.1082 385.1082 385.1082 385.1082 385.1082
## 168762 513.4273 513.5044 513.4273 513.4273 513.4273

All-or-Nothing assignment : sparse OD matrix

#generate random flows
flows <- sample(10:1000, 1000, replace = TRUE)
flows2 <- diag(flows, nrow = 1000, ncol = 1000)

microbenchmark(dodgr=test_dodgr<-dodgr_flows_aggregate(graph = roads2, from = origin, to = destination, flows = flows2, contract = FALSE, norm_sums = FALSE, tol = 0),
               cpprouting=test_cpp <- get_aon(graph, from = origin, to = destination, demand = flows, algorithm = "bi"),
               cpprouting_ch=test_ch <- get_aon(graph3, from = origin, to = destination, demand = flows, algorithm = "bi"),
               unit = 's')
## Unit: seconds
##           expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq
##          dodgr 39.9192510 39.9192510 39.9192510 39.9192510 39.9192510
##     cpprouting 11.6453517 11.6453517 11.6453517 11.6453517 11.6453517
##  cpprouting_ch  0.6071558  0.6071558  0.6071558  0.6071558  0.6071558
##         max neval
##  39.9192510     1
##  11.6453517     1
##   0.6071558     1

All-or-Nothing assignment : dense OD matrix

#generate random flows
flows <- sample(10:1000, 1000000, replace = TRUE)
flows2 <- matrix(flows, nrow = 1000, ncol = 1000)
df_flows <- as.data.frame(flows2)
colnames(df_flows) <- destination
df_flows$from <- origin
df_flows <- reshape2::melt(df_flows, id.vars = "from", variable.name = "to")

microbenchmark(dodgr=test_dodgr<-dodgr_flows_aggregate(graph = roads2, from = origin, to = destination, flows = flows2, contract = FALSE, norm_sums = FALSE, tol = 0),
               cpprouting=test_cpp <- get_aon(graph, from = df_flows$from, to = df_flows$to, demand = df_flows$value, algorithm = "d"),
               cpprouting_ch=test_ch <- get_aon(graph3, from = df_flows$from, to = df_flows$to, demand = df_flows$value, algorithm = "phast"),
               unit = 's')
## Unit: seconds
##           expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
##          dodgr 98.68688 98.68688 98.68688 98.68688 98.68688 98.68688     1
##     cpprouting 31.16458 31.16458 31.16458 31.16458 31.16458 31.16458     1
##  cpprouting_ch  5.91544  5.91544  5.91544  5.91544  5.91544  5.91544     1


Please don’t forget to cite cppRouting package in your work !
