** Edit the =ovpl/config/= directory Copy =ovpl/config/sample_config.json= to =ovpl/config/config.json= and make the following changes:
To set the proxies.
"ENVIRONMENT": { "HTTP_PROXY":"http://proxy. vlabs.ac.in:8080", "HTTPS_PROXY":"http://proxy.vlabs.ac.in:8080" },
if no proxies are used,
Set the SERVER_IP in LOGSERVER_CONFIGURATION to the IP address of the machine on which the ADS services are running.
"LOGSERVER_CONFIGURATION": { "SERVER_IP": "ads-server-private-ip", },
Choose =POOLID= and =ADAPTERID= from =VPOOLS= section. Make the appropriate change in =ADAPTER_TO_USE=. The =ADAPTERID= for =aws_adapter=, =centos_openvz_adapter= and =centos_bridged_adapter= is 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
** Settings for =base_config=
Copy =config/adapters/sample_base_config.py= to =config/adapters/base_config.py=. For =aws_adapter=, no change in this file has to be done. For =centos_openvz_adapter= and =centos_bridged_adapter= make the following changes in the file:
If the services are running on the base machine, set =ADS_ON_CONTAINER= to False and copy public key (id_rsa.pub) to authorized_keys
If the services are running on a container, set =ADS_ON_CONTAINER= to True and copy the public key of the container to the authorized_keys of the base machine.
Set BASE_IP_ADDRESS = "root@
Set ADS_SERVER_VM_ID to CTID of container running ADS.
SUBNET field to match with the subnet of your base machine If the ip address of your base machine is 10.2.58.XXX, SUBNET = [""]
=ADAPTER_NAME_SERVER=, set the field to a specific nameserver that is used in the cluster or leave it as 'inherit' to use the nameserver configuration from the base machine.
=SECRET_KEY=, used to authenticate the ADS WEB APP.
** Settings for =centos_bridged_adapter= Copy =config/adapters/sample_centos_bridged_config.py= to =config/adapters/centos_bridged_config.py=, and change the =SUBNET_BRIDGE= in the file.
** Settings for =centos_openvz_adapter=
** Commands to Manage the Service
As root, go into =ovpl= directory and run =manage_services.sh= file:
$ cd ovpl $ ./manage_services (or) ./manage_services start
To stop the services
$ cd ovpl $ ./manage_services stop
$ cd ovpl $ ./manage_services.sh start LOGGER
** Setting up ADS-web-app *** Install dependencies This assumes apache server is installed. If not, please install the apache server.
sudo su - yum update -y yum install epel-release yum install "mod_wsgi" -y yum install python-pip cd /root/ovpl/src/ads-web-app python setup.py install
rsync -avz --progress /root/ovpl/src/ads-web-app /var/www/html/ chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/ads-web-app
*** Setup Google Oauth credentials
*** Setup ADS credentials
ADS_URL = "http://<ip/domain>:5000" ADS_SECRET_KEY= "defaultadskey"
- Add emails ids to =AUTHORIZED_USERS=
AUTHORIZED_USERS = [ "heregoesemail@gmail.com" ]
*** Access =ADS= from browser
Restart =Flask= server
cd /var/www/html/ads-web-app/ python app.py &
Open the location =http://ads-server-public-ip:8080= from the browser and provide the lab id, lab sources url and version/tag.
View the logs at /root/logs/ovpl.log by
tail -f /root/logs/ovpl.log