UNRAVEL (UNfold RAdar VELocity) is an open-source modular Doppler velocity dealiasing algorithm for weather radars. This algorithm does not require external reference velocity data, making it highly versatile and easily applicable across various contexts. UNRAVEL consists of eleven core modules and two dealiasing strategies, enabling iterative processing. It starts with the strictest continuity tests in azimuth and range, progressively relaxing the parameters to include more results from a growing number of reference points. Additionally, UNRAVEL includes modules for performing 3D continuity checks. This modular design allows for the expansion of dealiasing strategies to optimize results further.
Version 1.2.5:
UNRAVEL is available on PyPI. The easiest method for installing UNRAVEL is to use pip:
pip install unravel
Mandatory dependencies:
Louf, V., Protat, A., Jackson, R. C., Collis, S. M., & Helmus, J. (2020). UNRAVEL: A Robust Modular Velocity Dealiasing Technique For Doppler Radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 4(1), 741–758. [https://doi.org/10.1175/jtech-d-19-0020.1]