vlousada / LegacyLenses

An App using OpenMemories to Log EXIF of Legacy lenses on Sony alpha cameras
MIT License
12 stars 3 forks source link
alpha java legacy lenses sony


An App to WRITE/LOG/TRACE information (EXIF) from Legacy lenses into Sony alpha cameras. It uses the OpenMemories Framework. This App was written specifically for use with LEGACY lenses (no electronic contacts) where no Exif is reported onSony MILC. However with this App, someone can create legacy lens profiles, then choose lens from interface App and SAVE log the information to SDCard for each photo taken.

> interface

> Parameters

  1. Shutter-speed: When mode selected (green color) rotate dial to increase or decrease values.
    • When Shoot-Mode (7) selected to "A" Aperture, use enter key to Set Minimum shutter-speed value...
    • If assigned via "user settings", use left key to quick select this param-mode...
  2. Aperture: When mode selected do rotate dial to increase or decrease values to match the F-Stop of Legacy lens.
  3. ISO Ratings: When mode selected do rotate dial to increase or decrease values
    • When Shoot-Mode (7) selected to "A" Aperture, use enter key control wheel to toggle to AUTO-ISO
    • If assigned via "user settings", use left key to quick select this param-mode...
  4. Exposure: When mode selected do rotate dialto increase or decrease values.
    • If not visible use up key to cycle "views" until this shoot-mode got visible.
  5. Metering view: real-time info regarding exposure.
  6. Histogram: real-time histogram.
  7. Mode: When selected, use enter key to toggle between M (MANUAL exposure) and A (Aperture priority).
  8. Drive-Mode: When mode selected, use enter key to toggle between diferent Drive modes (Single, Burst, ...).
  9. Focal Length: it displays the current FL...
    • If (Zoom lens) useenter key to access the new screen. Then use Dial or Left/Righ keys to set the desire focal length and click the button...
  10. Special item: displays the current 'Special' item, e.g: 'TC 1.4x' (Tele-converter 1.4x).
    • Manage it using menu key and TAB_Special... Example: 'TC 1.4x'
  11. Legacy Lens Name: display Lens Name from the selected lens profile.
    • Manage it using menu key and TAB_LENSES... Example: 'CANON FD 80-200 F4 L'

LENS (& Special) Profiles





CREDITS & Special thanks