ASCOM driver for Pentax - GNU GPL3
I wrote this code to control my Pentax camera from an ASCOM application, using the ASCOM camera interface. It is actually a generic driver with two essential features:
1) Trigger the shutter control by means of RS232 2) read images from a monitored folder (camera connected via USB)
The main need for this derived from the need to be able to focus a pentax IR-modified camera attached to a telescope. In order to use software like FocusMax I needed an ASCOM driver...
However, this is not a Pentax only driver as is, in fact any camera that can connect via USB being seen as a folder by a PC and that can be triggered by an RS232 cable can be setup with this.
Future possibilities: This could become a truly Pentax only driver if a USB connection could also activate the shutter. There are a few apps that are now capable of doing that like PKtriggercord (, PKTether ( or WIFI controlling WIFI enabled Pentax cameras like It would require some work but a true Pentax ASCOM driver is a real possibility with what's available out there.