vmullig / ndm1_design_scripts

Scripts used for Mulligan et al. (2020): Computationally-designed peptide macrocycle inhibitors of New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1
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Scripts for NDM-1 peptide macrocycle inhibitor design and analysis

This repositiry includes the scripts used for Mulligan VK, Workman S, Sun T, Rettie S, Li X, Worrall LJ, Craven TW, King DT, Hosseinzadeh P, Watkins AM, Renfrew PD, Guffy S, Labonte JW, Moretti R, Bonneau R, Strynadka NCJ, and Baker D. (2021): Computationally-designed peptide macrocycle inhibitors of New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA. In press.


These scripts are made available under the MIT licence. They are intended to be freely distributed, modified at will, and used in a royalty-free manner. For full details, see the LICENCE file. If you use these scripts, please cite the publication above.


Design RosettaScripts XML Scripts

Modernized design scripts compatible with the latest version of Rosetta are located in the following sub-directories:

Legacy versions of design scripts are also provided:

Analysis RosettaScripts XML Scripts and Commandline Inputs

Analysis and Plotting Python Scripts

The NDM1i_experimental_data_analysis_Python_script/ directory contains Python scripts used for fitting IC50 data to the Hill equation.