vmware-archive / photon-controller

Photon Controller
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Photon persistent volume for Kubernetes #87

Closed misko566 closed 7 years ago

misko566 commented 7 years ago


How can I create persistent volume for kubernetes ova deployment 1.4.3 ?

It is possible to upgrade kubernetes to new version 1.5.2? How?



mwest44 commented 7 years ago

You cannot do either one in this release. We are working on both of those things for an upcoming release.

misko566 commented 7 years ago

When will be release date of new release? Thanks

mwest44 commented 7 years ago

we have not announced it yet. I expect the first half of this year, however we have not exited the engineering stage where we have committed to specific functionality so I can confirm that we are planning to do it, but cannot commit to the timeframe. How is that for political speak.

misko566 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for response.

I hope that it will be there :)

misko566 commented 7 years ago


It is possible to run persistent volume for example from nfs server on kubernetes on photon?

or any of different ways?

I can mount nfs share on photon os http://www.virtuallyghetto.com/2016/01/quick-tip-how-to-mount-cifs-nfs-volumes-on-photon-os.html

Or there is no way how to run persistent volume on kubernetes when is deployed on photon ?

list of supported persistent technologies from kuberenetes documentation:

GCEPersistentDisk AWSElasticBlockStore AzureFile AzureDisk FC (Fibre Channel) Flocker NFS iSCSI RBD (Ceph Block Device) CephFS Cinder (OpenStack block storage) Glusterfs VsphereVolume Quobyte Volumes HostPath (single node testing only – local storage is not supported in any way and WILL NOT WORK in a multi-node cluster) VMware Photon

mwest44 commented 7 years ago

There is nothing that we provide to support K8 persistent volumes at this point. You would have to manually attach the nfs volume to the appropriate VMs and create the volume. Its nothing that we have tested as this point.

misko566 commented 7 years ago

Ok thanks, sorry for many tickets but I want to run photon controller on big environment. :)

mwest44 commented 7 years ago

no problem. If you need more direct help you can send me email and we can talk about what you are trying to do mwest@vmware.com