vmware-archive / photon-controller

Photon Controller
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WARNING: Photon Controller is no longer actively maintained by VMware.

VMware has made the difficult decision to stop driving this project and therefore we will no longer actively respond to issues or pull requests. If you would like to take over maintaining this project independently from VMware, please let us know so we can add a link to your forked project here.

The Photon OS project will proceed in fully supported and maintained form.

Thank You.

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Photon Controller

Photon Controller is an open-source system for managing hardware, containers, and clusters at scale.

Photon Controller is designed to support:


If you'd like to become a part of the Photon Controller community, here are some ways to connect:

If you're looking to play with the code, keep reading.


The product is arranged in a single repository, with subdirectories arranged by language. See the individual READMEs for instructions on building the code.


If you'd like to make changes to Photon Controller, you can submit pull requests on GitHub.

If you have not signed our contributor license agreement (CLA), our bot will update the issue when you open a Pull Request. For any questions about the CLA process, please refer to our FAQ.

All pull requests satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Pass unit tests according to the instructions in the appropriate language-specific README file.
  2. Pass integration tests according to the instructions for Devbox.

We will run any changes through our own validation process which ensures that both conditions are met, but it's in everyone's interest if you take care of this on your own first.

Thanks, and enjoy!