vmware-archive / prometheus-on-PCF

This is a how-to for deploying https://github.com/cloudfoundry-community/prometheus-boshrelease to monitor Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Apache License 2.0
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For PCF 1.12+ please use the new pipeline available here: https://github.com/pivotal-cf/pcf-prometheus-pipeline. This repo will remain here for the time being but please migrate to the new pipeline as soon as possible.

Prometheus BOSH release on Pivotal Cloud Foundry

This how-to has been tested on PCF 1.8-1.11. The manifest file is appropriate for cloud-config enabled environments.

The manifest example is split into the main part which should not require any customization (at least initially) and the local configuration which has to be adjusted. To merge those files we are using the new BOSH CLI. Documentation is available here.

How it works

This is a high-level overview of monitoring Cloud Foundry with Prometheus logical diagram


Upload the bosh releases to your BOSH Director

# if you have not targeted this environment before do the following:
bosh -e <YOUR_BOSH_HOST> --ca-cert root_ca_certificate alias-env myenv
bosh -e myenv login
# now you can upload the releases:
bosh -e myenv upload-release https://bosh.io/d/github.com/bosh-prometheus/prometheus-boshrelease
bosh -e myenv upload-release https://github.com/bosh-prometheus/node-exporter-boshrelease/releases/download/v3.0.0/node-exporter-3.0.0.tgz

You can find root_ca_certificate file on the OpsManager VM in /var/tempest/workspaces/default/root_ca_certificate.

Create UAA clients

Key components of this BOSH release are firehose_exporter, bosh_exporter and cf_exporter which retrieve the data (from CF firehose, BOSH director and Cloud Controller API respectively) and present it in the Prometheus format. Each of those exporters require credentials to access the data source. IMPORTANT: these users have to be created in two different UAA instances. For the firehose and CF credentials, you use the main UAA instance of a Cloud Foundry deployment (where you would normally create users/clients, such as those for any other nozzles). For bosh_exporter however, you need to use the UAA which is colocated with the BOSH Director.

Create clients for firehose_exporter and cf_exporter

This process is explained here: https://github.com/bosh-prometheus/firehose_exporter

uaac target https://uaa.SYSTEM_DOMAIN --skip-ssl-validation
uaac token client get admin -s <YOUR ADMIN CLIENT SECRET>
uaac client add prometheus-firehose \
  --name prometheus-firehose \
  --secret prometheus-client-secret \
  --authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
  --authorities doppler.firehose

uaac client add prometheus-cf \
  --name prometheus-cf \
  --secret prometheus-client-secret \
  --authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
  --authorities cloud_controller.admin

Edit name and secret values. You will need to put them in the manifest later.

Create client for bosh_exporter

uaac target https://BOSH_DIRECTOR:8443 --skip-ssl-validation
uaac token owner get login -s Uaa-Login-Client-Credentials
User name:  admin
Password:  Uaa-Admin-User-Credentials
  uaac client add prometheus-bosh \
  --name prometheus-bosh \
  --secret prometheus-client-secret \
  --authorized_grant_types client_credentials,refresh_token \
  --authorities bosh.read \
  --scope bosh.read

Edit name and secret values. You will need to put them in the manifest later.

Create MySQL user

Given that PCF uses MySQL internally you should also monitor it. To do that, create a MySQL user and configure it in local.yml later.

bosh -e myenv -d cf-........ ssh mysql/0
mysql -u root -p
Enter password: (OpsManager -> ERT -> Credentials -> Mysql Admin Credentials)

More information about mysqld_exporter is available here.

Prepare your manifest based on the template from this repo

Since prometheus.yml is changing often to add more functionality (or to adjust it to the change in the bosh release itself) you don't have to edit it. Local configuration which needs to be adjusted is in the local.yml file. Edit URLs, credentials and everything else you need and then merge it with prometheus.yml. So the steps are:

Connect to Grafana

If the deployment was successful use bosh vms to find out the IP address of your nginx server. Then connect:

There is a number of ready to use Dashboards that should install automatically. You can edit them in Grafana or create your own. They are coming from prometheus-boshrelease/src.


The prometheus-boshrelease does include some predefined alerts for CloudFoundry as well as for BOSH. You can find the alert definitions in prometheus-boshrelease/src. Check the *.alerts rule files in the corresponding folders. If you create new alerts make sure to add them to the prometheus.yml - the path to the alert rule file as well as a job release for additional new exporters. Access the AlertManager to see active alerts or silence them:

All configured rules as well as their current state can be viewed by accessing Prometheus:

Below and example config for prometheus.yml to send alerts to slack:

- name: alertmanager
    release: prometheus
          - name: default-receiver
            - api_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/....
              channel: 'slack-channel'
              send_resolved: true
              pretext: "text before the actual alert message"
              text: "{{ .CommonAnnotations.description }}"
          receiver: default-receiver

To check your AlertManager configuration you can execute:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '[{"labels":{"alertname":"TestAlert1"}}]' <alertmanager>:9093/api/v1/alerts

This should trigger a test alert.