vmware-tanzu / cartographer-catalog

Reusable Cartographer blueprints
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Cartographer Catalog

Reusable Cartographer Supply Chains and templates for driving workloads from source code to running Knative service in a cluster.



The following configuration values can be set to customize the installation.


The Cartographer supply chains provided in this package require all resources of which objects they create to be previously installed in the cluster, those being:

With the dependencies met, proceed with the installation of this package:

  1. Create a file named cartographer-catalog.yaml that specifies the corresponding values to the properties you want to change. For example:

    cluster_builder: default
    service_account: default
      server: SERVER-NAME
      repository: REPO-NAME

    SERVER-NAME is the hostname of the registry server. Examples:

    • Harbor: "my-harbor.io"
    • DockerHub: "index.docker.io"
    • Google Cloud Registry: "gcr.io"
    • GitHub Packages (ghcr): "ghcr.io"

    REPO-NAME is where workload images are stored in the registry. Images are written to SERVER-NAME/REPO-NAME/WL_NAME-WL_NAMESPACE. Examples:

    • Harbor: "my-project/supply-chain"
    • DockerHub: "my-dockerhub-user"
    • Google Cloud Registry: "my-project/supply-chain"
    • GitHub Packages (ghcr): "my-gh-repository" or "my-gh-repository/supply-chain"
  2. Having the configuration ready, install the package by running:

    tanzu package install cartographer-catalog \
      --package-name cartographer-catalog.community.tanzu.vmware.com \
      --values-file cartographer-catalog.yaml

    Example output:

    \ Installing package 'cartographer-catalog.community.tanzu.vmware.com'
    | Getting package metadata for 'cartographer-catalog.community.tanzu.vmware.com'
    | Creating service account 'cartographer-catalog-default-sa'
    | Creating cluster admin role 'cartographer-catalog-default-cluster-role'
    | Creating cluster role binding 'cartographer-catalog-default-cluster-rolebinding'
    | Creating secret 'cartographer-catalog-default-values'
    | Creating package resource
    - Waiting for 'PackageInstall' reconciliation for 'cartographer-catalog'
    / 'PackageInstall' resource install status: Reconciling
     Added installed package 'cartographer-catalog' in namespace 'default'


Source to URL Supply Chain

This Cartographer Supply Chain ties together a series of Kubernetes resources which drive a developer-provided Workload from source code to a running Knative Service in the Kubernetes cluster, updating it whenever changes occur to either source code or base image used for building the application.

flowchart RL
  Kpack -- commit --> GitRepository
  App -- container image --> Kpack

  subgraph source-provider

  subgraph image-builder

  subgraph deployer

To make use of it, we must first have in the same namespace as where the Workload is submitted to a couple of objects that the resources managed by the supplychain need so they can properly do their work:

Container Image Registry Secret

Using the Tanzu CLI, Create a secret with push credentials for the container image registry configured in installation of this package (i.e., for the server and repository described in registry.server and registry.repository of ootb-supply-chain-values.yaml):

tanzu secret registry add registry-credentials \
  --server REGISTRY-SERVER \
  --username REGISTRY-USERNAME \
  --password REGISTRY-PASSWORD \
  --namespace YOUR-NAMESPACE


Alternatively, you can create the secret using kubectl:

kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-credentials \
  --docker-server=REGISTRY-SERVER \
  --docker-username=REGISTRY-USERNAME \


Create a ServiceAccount to be used by Cartographer to manage the supply chain resources as well as pass it down to them (the resources) so they are able to gather necessary data and/or credentials to deal with the Kubernetes API.

Here we also need to associate the previously created Secret (registry-credentials) to it so that anyone referencing such ServiceAccount also gather the credentials to pull/push images to/from the container image registry where the application should reside.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: default
  - name: registry-credentials
  - name: registry-credentials

Note: if during the installation of the package a different default service account name has been setup, make sure to create in the namespace a serviceaccount that matches the name set in the installation (e.g., if ootb-supply-chains-values.yaml is set such that service_account: foo is configured, this object must be named foo).


Bind to the ServiceAccount the role that would then permit the controllers involved to act upon the objects managed by the supplychain

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: ootb-supply-chain-source-to-url-workload
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: ootb-supply-chain-source-to-url-workload
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: default

Note: Similar to the ServiceAccount setup, if during the installation of the package a different default service account name has been configured, make sure to not reference default in the subjects, but the name of the serviceaccount to be used by the workloads).


With the namespace where the Workload will be submitted ready having all the three objects mentioned above (image secret, serviceaccount, and rolebinding), we can proceed with the creation of the Workload.

tanzu apps workload create hello-world \
  --git-branch main \
  --git-repo https://github.com/sample-accelerators/tanzu-java-web-app
  --label app.kubernetes.io/part-of=tanzu-java-web-app \
  --type web
Create workload:
      1 + |---
      2 + |apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
      3 + |kind: Workload
      4 + |metadata:
      5 + |  labels:
      6 + |    apps.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: web
      7 + |    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: hello-world
      8 + |  name: hello-world
      9 + |  namespace: default
     10 + |spec:
     11 + |  source:
     12 + |    git:
     13 + |      ref:
     14 + |        branch: main
     15 + |      url: https://github.com/sample-accelerators/tanzu-java-web-app

With the Workload submitted, you can follow the live logs using the tanzu cli:

tanzu apps workload tail hello-world --since 10m

Eventually, the resources described by the supply chain will be created, all of them being children objects of the Workload carrying the app.kubernetes.io/part-of label.

default    Workload/hello-world
default    ├─GitRepository/hello-world
default    ├─Image/hello-world
default    │ ├─Build/hello-world-build-1
default    │ ├─PersistentVolumeClaim/hello-world-cache
default    │ └─SourceResolver/hello-world-source
default    └─App/hello-world

Because we installed the package with its default service account name to default and in the sections above both attached the secret and bound the ClusterRole to the default serviceaccount, we don't need to tweak any extra fields in the spec.

For reference, below you'll find the full definition of a Workload for this supply chain:

apiVersion: carto.run/v1alpha1
kind: Workload
  name: hello-world
    # the name of the higher-level applicaton that the objects involved
    # in the supply chain should be part of (this label gets pushed down
    # to them, including the final knative-service).
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: hello-world

    # type of this workload. this is required in order to match this workload
    # against the supplychain bundled in this package.
    apps.tanzu.vmware.com/workload-type: web
  # name of the serviceaccount to grant to Cartographer the necessary
  # privileges for creating/watching/etc the resources defined by the
  # supply chain.
  # the clusterrole provided by this package must be bound to this
  # serviceaccount for the controller to manage the resources according to the
  # supply chain specification.
  serviceAccountName: default

    # name of the serviceaccount to pass down to the objects that need one
    # (e.g, kpack and kapp-ctrl/App).
    - name: service_account
      value: default

  # details about where source code can be found in order to keep track of
  # changes to it so the resources managed by the supply chain can create new
  # builds and deployments whenever new revisions are found.
      url: https://github.com/kontinue/hello-world
      ref: {branch: main}

Optional Parameters

In the workload.spec.params field we can specify a couple parameters to override the default behavior of certains components:


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