vmware / go-vcloud-director

Golang SDK for VMware Cloud Director
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This repo contains the go-vcloud-director package which implements an SDK for VMware Cloud Director. The project serves the needs of Golang developers who need to integrate with VMware Cloud Director. It is also the basis of the vCD Terraform Provider.


Contributions to go-vcloud-director are gladly welcome and range from participating in community discussions to submitting pull requests. Please see the contributing guide for details on joining the community.

Install and Build

This project started using Go modules starting with version 2.1 and vendor directory is no longer bundled.

As per the modules documentation you no longer need to use GOPATH. You can clone the branch in any directory you like and go will fetch dependencies specified in the go.mod file:

cd ~/Documents/mycode
git clone https://github.com/vmware/go-vcloud-director.git
cd go-vcloud-director/govcd
go build

Note Do not forget to set GO111MODULE=on if you are in your GOPATH. Read more about this.

Example code

To show the SDK in action run the example:

mkdir ~/govcd_example
go mod init govcd_example
go get github.com/vmware/go-vcloud-director/v2@main
go build -o example
./example user_name "password" org_name vcd_IP vdc_name 

Here's the code:

package main

import (


type Config struct {
    User     string
    Password string
    Org      string
    Href     string
    VDC      string
    Insecure bool

func (c *Config) Client() (*govcd.VCDClient, error) {
    u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(c.Href)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to pass url: %s", err)

    vcdclient := govcd.NewVCDClient(*u, c.Insecure)
    err = vcdclient.Authenticate(c.User, c.Password, c.Org)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to authenticate: %s", err)
    return vcdclient, nil

func main() {
    if len(os.Args) < 6 {
        fmt.Println("Syntax: example user password org VCD_IP VDC ")
    config := Config{
        User:     os.Args[1],
        Password: os.Args[2],
        Org:      os.Args[3],
        Href:     fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/api", os.Args[4]),
        VDC:      os.Args[5],
        Insecure: true,

    client, err := config.Client() // We now have a client
    if err != nil {
    org, err := client.GetOrgByName(config.Org)
    if err != nil {
    vdc, err := org.GetVDCByName(config.VDC, false)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Org URL: %s\n", org.Org.HREF)
    fmt.Printf("VDC URL: %s\n", vdc.Vdc.HREF)


You can authenticate to the vCD in five ways:

For the above two methods, you use:

    err := vcdClient.Authenticate(User, Password, Org)
    // or
    resp, err := vcdClient.GetAuthResponse(User, Password, Org)

More information about inner workings of SAML auth flow in this codebase can be found in saml_auth.go:authorizeSamlAdfs(...). Additionaly this flow is documented in vCD documentation.