vmware / harbor-boshrelease

CFF BOSH Release for Project Harbor
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 24 forks source link

Harbor BOSH Release

Project Harbor is an enterprise-class registry server that stores and distributes Docker images. Harbor extends the open source Docker Distribution by adding the functionalities usually required by an enterprise, such as security, identity and management. As an enterprise private registry, Harbor offers better performance and security. Having a registry closer to the build and run environment improves the image transfer efficiency. Harbor supports the setup of multiple registries and has images replicated between them. In addition, Harbor offers advanced security features, such as user management, access control and activity auditing.

This repository uses the Harbor offline installation package to create the BOSH release for Harbor, which can be used to quickly deploy a standalone Harbor. The main idea of this Harbor BOSH release is running the Harbor components as containers on top of Docker and docker-compose. Please be noted here that it's not a HA architecture deployed with this Harbor BOSH release.

This BOSH release for Harbor is open sourced under Apache License Version 2.0.

Repository Contents

This repository consists of the following file directories.


Packaging instructions used by BOSH to build each of the dependencies. The following 4 packages are contained in this repository:


Start and stop commands for each of the jobs (processes) running on Harbor nodes. Currently, only 1 job named harbor in this repository because we start harbor via docker-compose. The job 'harbor' is composed by the following things:


URLs and access credentials to the bosh blobstore for storing final releases. Currently, only contain configuration for local blob.


Provide the utility script source code for the common package.


Provide deployment manifest templates and related manifest generation scripts. Currently, only provides manifest file for vSphere vCenter.


References into the public blobstore for final jobs & packages (each referenced by one or more releases)


yml files containing the references to blobs for each package in a given release; these are solved within .final_builds.

Deploy Harbor via BOSH

Install BOSH CLI V2

Download the binary for your platform and place it on your PATH.

Create BOSH env

Here we just provide the command for vCenter/vSphere, for other IaaS platform, please refer to BOSH doc.

# Create directory to keep state
mkdir bosh-1 && cd bosh-1

# Clone Director templates
git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-deployment

# Fill below variables (replace example values) and deploy the Director
bosh create-env bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
    --state=state.json \
    --vars-store=creds.yml \
    -o bosh-deployment/vsphere/cpi.yml \
    -o bosh-deployment/uaa.yml \
    -o bosh-deployment/misc/config-server.yml \
    -v director_name=bosh-1 \
    -v internal_cidr= \
    -v internal_gw= \
    -v internal_ip= \
    -v network_name="VM Network" \
    -v vcenter_dc=my-dc \
    -v vcenter_ds=datastore0 \
    -v vcenter_ip= \
    -v vcenter_user=root \
    -v vcenter_password=vmware \
    -v vcenter_templates=bosh-1-templates \
    -v vcenter_vms=bosh-1-vms \
    -v vcenter_disks=bosh-1-disks \
    -v vcenter_cluster=cluster1
    -o bosh-deployment/vsphere/resource-pool.yml \
    -v vcenter_rp=bosh-rp1

# Create alias for the created env
bosh alias-env <alias name> -e <director IP> --ca-cert <(bosh int ./creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca)

# Set env
bosh int ./creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca > root_ca_certificate
export BOSH_CA_CERT=root_ca_certificate
export BOSH_CLIENT=admin
export BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=`bosh int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password`
export BOSH_ENVIRONMENT=<director IP>

Download source code

# Clone repostiry
git clone git@github.com:vmware/harbor-boshrelease.git
cd harbor-boshrelease

Make a deployment with pre-build final release

You can deploy the published pre-build final release without creating a local dev release:

bosh -n -d harbor-deployment deploy manifests/harbor.yml -v hostname=harbor.local

Make a deployment with dev release

Before deploy, you need to create the Harbor BOSH release.

Create the Harbor BOSH release

# Sync remote pre-build blobs
bosh sync-blobs
# Or download blobs locally with new version of blob packages
cd scripts
bash add_blobs.sh

# Create a dev release
bosh create-release --force

# Or create a final release
bosh create-release --final [--version <version>]

# Upload the created dev release:
bosh upload-release

# Confirm the release is uploaded.
bosh releases

Upload cloud-config and runtime-config

You can find the bosh cloud config file, bosh runtime config file and deployment manifest samples in directory manifests. NOTES:

Upload cloud-config and runtime-config:

bosh -n update-cloud-config   manifests/cloud-config-vsphere.yml
bosh -n update-runtime-config manifests/runtime-config-bosh-dns.yml --name bosh-dns
bosh -n update-runtime-config manifests/runtime-config-harbor.yml   --name harbor

Kick off the deployment

bosh -n -d harbor-deployment deploy templates/deployment-vsphere.yml -v hostname=harbor.local [--vars-store /path/to/creds.yml]
bosh run-errand smoke-test -d harbor-deployment

After the deployment is completed, you can check the status of the deployment:

# See current deployments
bosh deployments

# Check the status of vms
bosh vms

# Check the status of instances
bosh instances

Delete the deployment

If you want to delete the specified deployment, execute:

## --force ignore the errors when deleting
bosh -d harbor-deployment delete-deployment --force



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Refer to LICENSE.